20/09/09...178 miles to Cordoba are first stop on the way back to the UK, A very modern city, with a wealthy feel. We stayed for 2 nights and visited the Mezquita a huge mosque that was built by the Moors in 785 and then became a cathedral,It holds a capacity of 15073 worshippers ( we think that includes the priest).
Tuesday we carried on 220 miles to the historical town of Aranjuez the Spanish version of Versailles ?, We visited the Palace Real and museums of the royal barges on Wednesday, as its free for EU passport holders. The grounds are lovely, it was a shame the fountains were turned off, we think it was to stop the autumn leaves clogging the system.
Thursday we cycled to the station for a train to Madrid. At Puuerta del Sol (its the piccadilly circus of Spain) we came across the Spanish version of the household cavalry and an empty regal horse drawn carriage, road closures and police everywhere, (We thought it was a practice for some thing), We arrived at the royal palace to find it closed, Just as the band broke into tune, with the full regimental back up, 3 limos with flags with someone in the carriage and all the kings horse's coming back to the Palace, after some broken spanish conversations we found it was only King Juan Carlos with Hugo Chevez the Venezuelan president, ( tight b*****s didn't invite us in for lunch). So instead we visited the cathedral museum to view the treasures (there's alot), papal gowns and views over Madrid
Saturday we left Aranjuez for Zaragoza 239 miles, Our last planned stop in Spain?, Although its 28 degree's and HOT by day, it is now as the locals say "bikini and bed socks weather" last night it dropped down to 10 degree's, so first thing at 8am as the sun rises its a bit fresh (flipping cold). The site, for are fellow travellers is a municipal site, only a year old with really good facilities, a pool, €20 pn with electric, plus free WIFI, The bus is only a 5min ride to the city centre.
Sunday we did the tourist bit Caesar Augustas audiovisual museum, the Basilica del pilar, and a good walk around in a nice city. The Basillica house's the marble pillar (santa pillar) the Virgin Mary brought to St James, now pilgrims queue to kiss the pillar (today was children only and the queue went far enough)
Ciao the Chaffers
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