Ceri's Big Adventure!
Hi everyone!
Well in NZ we didnt do that much more traveled back up the coast and saw some beautiful places!!
We are having a really cool time in Austrailia!! As you can see I am in Sydney the picture shows the view I had about an hour ago sat in the sun in a park under the harbour bridge looking out over the opera house!!!
We had a really good time in melbourne too its a really nice city, we managed to escape before it got too busy with the games.
In Melbourne we went to visit a wildlife sanctury with Kangas and Koalas etc which was really nice, we didnt get to go on the Neighbours tour but did catch a glimpse of the tour bus which was full of Grannies!! I was able to borrow my uncles car it was hell driving round the city!!!
We went out one night in Melbourne, one of my auntys friends son who was 23 offered to take us out for the night which was really nice off him dont think he knew what he was letting himself in for tho. We did have a really funny night but soo tired the next morning all the clubs stay open till the morning as in we left at 5am and it was still going!
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