Hey everyone, sorry I'm so slack with this thing, just a quick update on the land of Oz! So we're staying in a hostel in Bondi beach, aboout 2 minutes walk from the beach. The hostel is fine, the people are great and the beach is lush! I love it, perfect lifestyle for me. Bondi isn't a huge place which suits me, we have been into the city a few times though. We have seen the bridge and the opera house; very cool but very surreal too, they so much closer together than I thought! Also did a night cruise, was awesome to see the city all lit up. Job hunting is going ok, Steph has an interview for a waitressing job on the beach, think I will be tagging along to see if I can get myself one too! Will be joining a temping agency too, which will be pretty boring but money should be good. So far all we've been doing is too much shopping, lots of lying on the beach and nights out! I did start running the other day though, go me! And we are going to go to some dance classes just down the road, can't wait. Anyway, we will keep you updated on things here in Sydney.... (Caz)
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