You look like your having a fab time. Enjoy your time out on the road and watch out for them wild dogs :-) Love ya loads Nat x
Paulo & Caz
Thanks to you all for your postings we'll be unable to update this as regularly as we're gonna be in the van from tomorrow so bear with us until we can find an interweb connection up the coast. Nice to read your messages though keep them coming as we miss you too.
Denis Murphy
Yo nutta's, glad you arrived safely and seem to be havin a wicked time already, long may it continue, mother is missing you already, take care speak soon:
Love Mom, Denis and Jackey Boy!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Helen Alves
Quickie, did you declare snotter off road? x
Mum & Dad
So pleased to hear from you xxx Lucky you two ecaping all the freezing cold weather its been awful. We are out tonight 13th on the J&I electrical do!! Hope to speak to you soon, Phil has just been looking at all the pictures, he said never had such technology when he went travelling.
Done all the Christmas shopping this week, wish we could win the lottery then could come and join you. Angela's address in New Zealand is:- 11 Rewi Street, North Shore, Torbay, North of Auckland, didn't get a phone number but will get one for you before you go there.
Enjoy yourselves, hope to speak soon lots of love M & D xxx
Hello beautiful people, hope your having fun and you've not been late for anything yet i.e a flight maybe!! Caz, so much to tell you already.... Men are like Buses, now home based with work, going to London soon to see Mr Big, Flat is now very stylish and modern i.e lack of furniture but all good. I'm actually enjoying being single!! never thought I'd say that
Oh how is the luxury motor home by the way, lol , love ya xx
The Pughs
hey paulo you will be doing well to do wellington and auckland on the same day! Sitting here with caz she is impressed with the multiple hellos at her request even though she doesn't know which country they belong to