oops bit of a technical nightmare then - (i.e my inability to write properly. what i was trying to say was....
Have a fantastic xmas day and pay homage to the big steve at austrailia zoo for me!!
I am actually green with envy now!!
The Pughs
hello hun,
just a quickie to say thanks for the postcard it came today have a
Hello peeps, loving the pics they're amazing, not jealous, much... Glad your both well and loving it.
Ok, have to comment on the camper van, Paulo did you let Caz lose with the paints and she got a bit carried away :-)
Have a fab xmas. Caz missing your usual xmas card with war and peace :-)
Miss you loads, love Kez xxxxxxx
Mum & Dad
Wow Airlie Beach how beautiful is that!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must both be talking about the experience for days after. Phil said he went there but didn't go in the helicopter.Lots of flu going around at the moment, your brother Phil has it!!!!!! Loved seeing the pictures keep them coming. Hope you are both working on your tans, lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Denis And Mother
Gud day mates! lovin the v discreet van, wicked!!!!!! U both lookin happy and have a healthy glow already, gettin quite jealous now 2 be honest, keep on enjoying yourselves;
missing u both,
love u loads, den and mom.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Pics are amazing, glad to see your both having a good time.
Four more sleeps til christmas, hope you find somewhere nice to stay for christmas day.
The Pugh's
Watch out for those pesky kids always solving mysteries, they tend to hang around in vans like that!!! What a trip of a lifetime and you've still got weeks to go as well. love form all of us, we are all wishing we were there!!
Mum & Dad
Cool van, reminds us of the 60's!!! Well jealous of the Koala's and baby Croc's, I would love to hold one. Beach looks lovely I wish we could win the lottery and join you both!!!! Love all the pictures not missing anything here still cold and damp, got the phone number for when you go to New Zealand, will pass it on when you phone. Love to you both M & D
Tracey & Andy
Your van doesn't stand out to much does it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks like something out of Scooby Doo....
You are not going to believe this, but they could not tell us the sex of the baby at the scan, the umbilical cord was only bloody lying inbetween it's legs!!!!!!!!!! Now I can't do all that shopping I was planning on doing in the sales, oh well never mind it will be a nice surprise after hours of painful labour!!!
Keep safe
Tracey & Andy
Little Rach
Am loving your photos!!! Looks and sounds like you're having the best time! So very, very jealous... It's sooo cold here... brrrr!!
Speak to you soon, lots of love xxxxxxxxxx
The Pugh's
omg it sounds like you are having a wail of a time - soooo jealous. Glad everythign is going well and it is good to hear from you. Enjoy the fun of the great outdoors, pics are great. Still can't bring myself to watch heroes on my own. will wait till march!!
speak soon luv rachxx
Tracey & Andy
Trust you to have found the clubs of Brisbane already!! Good to hear you are there in one piece, can't wait to hear what the hippy van is like.
Got our scan on Tuesday (16th) so I will let you know how things go. Let us know when you have got a phone.