So we left the $3 a night accomodation as Joe made an enemy in the form of a giant cockroach called Herbert that was exploring our bathroom. There was a stand off and needless to say Herbert won. Way to man up Joe. So in the morning we checked out and sheepishly walked a couple of houses down where (for an extra $2 a night) we found a palace.
When we went exploring in the town and couldn't walk more then 5m without seeing an armed soldier, we realised that we'd ended up in Kandy for the Independence day parades (where they were also expecting the president). The Oracle (Lonely Planet) advised us that this wasn't the best idea but we watched the parades from the guest house balcony up the hill and then slipped out of town to wander around the botanical gardens and avoided any (unschedulled) explosions. The most conspicuous people around Kandy were the armed soldiers and the tangerine-robed monks which, with the scenic backdrop, made for some award-winning thought inspiring kodak moments...which we didn't dare sieze.
We also ventured to see the highlight of Kandy, Buddha's tooth. Unfortunately, the temple buildings - especially the shrines - are overflowing with ornate accessories and lacking english navigation so we have been left forever wondering if we saw the tooth, orindeed anything contaning the tooth at all. Even so, a tick on the neverending list of inevitable touristyness though. Whatsmore, buddhists are supposed to visit it at least once in their life so I have the option of converting now :)
So alas, I have left Sri Lanka without finding any missing honey bees. I did however find some hornets climbing an ancient rock fortress in Sygiria. I'm planning on rebuilding it at some point to feature in a show i'm going to develop called "MTV Historical Cribs, They Don't Make 'em Like They Used To". Anyway, the hornets, being mortal enemies of the honeybee, weren't much help. And now i'm in the rollercoaster that is Bangkok. And leaving tonight. I'm under a lot of pressure as I can see the internet time ticking down so i'm going to go buy some hippy clothes in the market x
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