Soooo, I have just achieved the hard and time consuming task of creating a travel blog, after viewing lots of confusing and quite ridiculous travel blog websites, I have chosen you STA, to repay you for sorting our holiday of a lifetime, so keep up the good work. This is good for all you folks reading this (especially you dad) because it means I now have no excuse not to update you of our exciting travel adventures.
Here goes..the first one..bare with me, i'm trying to work out the balance of being funny/sarcastic/just telling you what we have been doing/not babbling on and boring you all. Which is indeed quite a tricky task to conquer and I am sure it will take me the entire five months to work that one out.
I am sat here, stuffed after an amazing three course meal with the family, in which my favourite foods - goats cheese, chorizo and chocolate were all consumed, allbeit not in the same course, making the most of dads generosity and his aim to fatten me up before I head off. Forgetting, the three meals a day food plan we have at our first destination - Fiji, so we will most definately make the most of this opportunity as I very much doubt we will be living with these privaledges for the duration of our trip.
The worries I have right now - apart from the fact that me and Faye Stewart (two people that are sligjly naive, lack a bit of common sense, burn just by staring into the sun, enjoy a few alcoholic beverages more than often, and have the travel experience of a pea (she will tell me to speak for myself i'm sure) are starting our adventure of the big wide world in less than 36 hours parentless ALL ON OUR OWN.
But main worry right now is the deligtful weather that is forcasted for tomorrow evening into the early hours of sunday.. summed up by a newspaper headline 'big freeze brings travel misery to UK' - which is perfect timing seeing as we set off for heathrow in the early hours of sunday morning - thank you god. As Jonny Whittall believes we are both heading on a UK tour - so we hope to prove him wrong and be on our flight at 11.25am to Fiji, via LA, despite any severe weather conditions. Only to be greeted by the heavy rain/flooding/cyclones/landslides that Fiji are experiencing as we speak - but that my friends is another story and I won't rant about that as well (until we arrive on our resort reliasing there is sweet f a to do in fiji in the rain!!)
But anyway..that is enough for now. I am off to sleep in our new house, in my en suite room which Jonny Whittall can not wait to take over as soon as I step out of it.
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