I sat next to a lovely Spanish guy called Luis on my connecting flight who was worried about his mum a few rows in front of us. Mainly because she was hungry and because her English isn't good. He thought that the flight was 2 hours rather than the gruelling 4 of the body clock early AM that it actually was (as he hadn't considered the time difference!) his English was really good and we talked about our languages. He taught me some Spanish which my 2 in the morning brain couldn't process, even though the time zone told us it was 4pm! So I won't remember any of it but it was nice while it lasted. I was so thirsty and he was laughing at the fact that I was so excited about the complimentary water coming down the aisle! He says "buckses" instead of bucks... Which makes it sound like he pays people with boxes. That made me giggle.
We looked up the addresses we are staying at in Denver, which are a 10 minute drive apart, so they offered me a lift to my accommodation which I gladly accepted! I went to baggage claim with them where a random American guy exclaimed "sweet hair, dude!" Referring to my pink hair. We found the bus that got us to the hire car parking lot, thanks to Fernando (the coolest bus driver ever.) He tried an English accent by which I was not as impressed as he thought I would be. When Luis' mum discovered that I was travelling alone, she exclaimed "UP THE WOMANS! YES!" Which I found hilarious.
We were only 20 mins on the road before we got to Erol's house. I exchanged numbers with Spanish Luis and settled into my new temporary abode.
I am pleased that Erol doesn't have to encounter my half-brain and it's feeble attempt at logical conversation tonight. He is out with friends!
I am in love with America so far and so pleased I am here: I have a great feeling about this.
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