So I'm sitting at the gate waiting to board my first flight. 9 hours to Hong Kong, a 4 hour stop over, then 16 hours to Kenya! Going to have one seriously sore butt! maybe It's a good thing I'm so tired from butterflies waking me up at 3am!
I'm a bit nervous about sharing a room with others- I am an active sleeper and have recently sleep walked and sleep stripped! I do hope I can keep these in check! - could be awkward to explain!
Nerves have started to kick in, and, although they are mixed with excitement, Im wondering what I've signed myself up for! I don't even camp, yet I'm going to live in a third world country or 3 months!
I wonder what the other volunteers will be like? I hope there are some other Aussie's. When Gav and I went to Italy on Contiki last year our Aussie accents were mocked incessantly! I never realised how bogan we sound!
I got a bit teary saying goodbye to Gav- we haven't been apart for 3 months in the 6 years we have been together, but this is something I have wanted to do for years, and something to remind me that I can do scary things without having my hand held the whole way.
I have been touched by the donations and kind comments from all my friends, even receiving donations from complete randoms! You are all amazing and I can't wait to put your money to good use!
Will miss you all! Xx
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