Thank you all SO much for your messages. Being here has made me appreciate all the things I have and I have had the most incredible time and I'm only 4 weeks in!!
FINALLY the photos are up, well only half of them but I will definitely get the rest up before I heave Africa. Only 4 more days left :( but on to the next adventure - leaving behind the lovely children and the not so lovely outfits!
Miss you all lots xxxxx
New York Calling...
Love and miss you much!!!!!
New York Calling...
Hello Cate,
I sat down this afternoon with an over priced latte, in an electrified home with indoor plumbing, wearing designer clothes, all ready to catch up on your blog. By the time I reached the second paragraph of blog three, I realized just how spoiled I am and how I take so much for granted! I have always been educated in the poverty of the world but I think reading the words of someone I know who is experiencing it first hand has really put things into perspective for me! Going forward, instead of taking things for granted, I will take them with gratitude and vow to give back more. Thank you Cate for opening my eyes a bit wider!
I must say I a bit shocked and wonder if this is the same Cate that was here in the summer hanging out at Tiffany's and looking like a model. I give you credit as the first sign of no indoor plumbing would have had me running.
Thank you so much for the post card, it made my day!
The other Catherine Lydon
You know how you are always telling me the truth about my outfits, no matter how harsh?? Ditch the skirt the second you leave Africa, you look like a bloody nun. Get those pins out in Australia and get some colour on them. Love you big sis xx
Loving the blog Cate! So eager to read your next post! Your are making such a difference to those childrens lives and you are experiencing many new things along the way! Memories for life! Have to say you are pulling off those skirts pretty damn well girl! Quills is coming up to see me on sat and we are hitting Liverpool for the night, plenty of spooning on the cards!!hehe Loves xxxxx
Hello little one, your blogs are amazing and you are experiencing so much so many people would love to do, how lucky are you!!! Well done for doing it little one. How long have you got before you go to Aus!!! Will be completing different and so many clean toilets.
Love you lots
Auntie Susie
Catherine love the photos. You look like Bex with the little Heidi plaits! I can see high heels are not on the agenda over there. Glad your tootsies are getting a rest.The children look so happy Catherine you must be doing something right. Well done to you!!
Toodle pips for now
Auntie Susie and The Young Ones xxxxx
forgot to say i love you lots xx
Hey Cat just been watching the simpsons and crazy cat lady was on so naturally i thought of you! hehe. Cant wait for you to come home and give me my present (an orphan doesnt count).
Love the photos Gracie. I will try and make dad take me to the falls but I won`t hold my breath. Maybe you and Icould visit the orphamage one day.
Yes Bex you can come too!!!
Hi Catherine
Your blog has really made me think about everything I take for granted and I loved your sneeze story; its a whole other world. I think deep down the men here in England also put great importance on sweeping and cleaning or is it just mine? Shame that Justine is the one that just happens to stay all day. I wonder why? ha ha.
Love you lots and miss you the same
Aunty Helen
Loving the new blog - what you don't understand Cootes is that the boys who shout "Wha-shoong-goo" at you are actually shouting "man shoulders"! I haven't failed to notice you admitted that you have big feet - shall we put you down for size 7 or 8? I know I keep saying it but I miss you loads! Had a difficult day at work today and thought we'd lose the patient for a while but she's fine now! Are you tanned at all? I suppose you can't show any skin can you?
Love you loads big sis
p.s 152 days till you are home - sorry but it keeps me sane