The final post, and possibly the hardest one to write!
We're home back in the UK at last after 5-6 months of travelling; firstly we just wanted to say a big thank you to all of you who have been keeping in touch with us through the Blog and for posting all your kind messages. Overall we had a fantastic time travelling but it was great to arrive back in the UK, to Snow and a temperature of just 1 deg C!
Since our last post we visited Hong Kong for a few days before flying home. The place was truly different to everywhere else again, "very very British", as I intelligently put to a taxi driver when we were there. I visited New York when I was 16 and like everyone was impressed with the skyline. Hong Kong is like nothing else, with hundreds of skyscrapers performing lighting displays each night to classical music and a transport system that actually runs on time!
The place is crammed full of museums, tea shops and all sorts of interesting things to see using unusual methods, such as taking the star ferry across from the main land to Hong Kong Island or riding an old Chinese junta ship (the old fishing boats with the red sails) around Victoria harbour. There is plenty to do, even enough to arguably go and live there for a bit and it felt like our 3 nights 2 days there just wasn't enough to do the place the justice it deserves! And I haven't even mentioned the food or the old school quaint trams. (Sorry dad)
The only downside on visiting Hong Kong is the prohibitive costs of accommodation, with most hotels being at least £100 a night, (not great if your backpacking, and at the end of 6 months with increasingly less money) We found a sky rise in the middle of lots of others with a room for around £16 a night, which on our budget was a lot more than normal! It came with all the charms of a very old high rise building with dirt and noise everywhere. The room was the size of the double bed, but it did make us feel that we had had our own slice of the Hong Kong life style.
After that we certainly felt ready for the comforts of home and a 13 hour flight and 5 or so free glasses of red wine later (thanks for that advice Jen and Becky) we arrived safely back at Heathrow. With thousands of photo's (that still need uploading) and 6 months worth or dirty washing that took about 3 days to do. Whilst I settle down with the tasks of very day life such as applying for jobs, catching up with the parents. Etc. Cat packed her bags and is now out in Zermatt working for a skiing company for a week or 2. So who knows this might not be the last post of the Blog after all, may be we'll all get a bonus review of Switzerland in the near future?
Thank you for keeping a beady eye on us using our Blog, If we haven't seen you yet, I hope we should catch up soon? Much love Phil and Cat
- comments
Yojan Love the look and navigation of your new site. Congratulations on your new logo and brand. We look forarwd to booking our next vacation with Lush Life!