Hey Everyone
Well, due to all the complaints I've been receiving about Phils very short last blog post, I thought I'd update everyone this time!
Like Phil said, after my placemtn we went on Safari with 5 other volunteers from the house I was living in. The safari was really great and even I loved it, which was an achievement considering I was adament I'd hate it as I hate animals! We camped in the serengetti and the Ngorongora Crater which was really cool, although I'd been told stories that hyenas entered the campsite at night so was a little worried. The most we saw though was a Zebra walking through the site!
After safari we made our way down the coast to Zanzibar. After 2 very long bus journeys with no airconditioning, we arrived in Dares salaam where we got the boat to Zanzibar. I was really excited about getting the boat asI'd heard the views as you enter Stone Town were beautiful, but I managed to feel seasick on the ferry so spent the whole journey lying down on the deck asleep, and missed the views. Typical!
Zanzibar was really beautiful - the water was a lovely blue/green colour, and the sand was white. We spent time in Stone Town and at 3 of the beaches. The first beach we went to was in the north of the island and was very pretty but also touristy. We found a hut on the beach to stay in which was really nice, but so basic we were practically camping! We spent 5 days there just chilling out, sunbathing (Well, trying to sunbathe but I got so burnt that we had to sit in the shade after about an hour!), swimming nad eating nice meals on an evening. There wasn't much else to do on the beach other than sunbathe though, so we eventually moved back down to Stone town before heading to a beach in the east. We really liked Stone Town when we were there - I think I did love it a little more than Phil though. The streets of stone town are really narrow and full of different art and woodcarving shops, and artists painting and selling their products. The seafront itself was also pretty, and we watched the sunset as the dhows (the zanzibar fishing boats) were coming into land from a bar on the beach. Stone Town has a museum about the history of Zanzibar which we went to, and then we spent the rest of the time just wandering the streets and admiring the paintings and carvings.
The second beach we went to on the east coast was just as beautiful as the first, but much less touristy. We travelled by dalla dalla there which was an experience in itslef - we were crammed into the bus so tight, and the driving left alot to be desired! The second beach was so quiet we were the only tourists there, bar the one or two Germans we bumped into at one of the 3 restaurants the beach had to offer. When we first arrived at the beach I got talking to an African/German family who advised us on where to stay. the family were lovely - it turned out they spent half the year on Zanzibar andhalf the year in germany. I decided it was a very cool lifestyle, although I'm not sure what they did about jobs or what the kids did about school! We really enjoyed our time on the east side of the island, it was lovely to have the chance to talk to the locals and was very tranquil.
We're now back in Dar es Salaam for 2 days as we fly to Oz on Wednesday. We're going to go see what the beaches south of Dar are like tomorrow to see how different they are to Zanzibar.
Hope everyone is well, keep the mesages on the board going, we love to readthem!
Love Cat and Phil xxxx
- comments
Servettin I think , first of all, it doesn't make sense for one team to play on Thursday , and the other on Friday, and meet for cup final on Sunday. Both First, and Third places match shluod also be held on Sunday.Apart from this rescheduling, the Ethiopian team have been playing the first game in early afternoon(except the first game against Uganda), and this will continue on Friday. I fear the heat will take its toll on the players. Players who come from hot countries were even complaining about the heat and humidity in Tanzania. I wonder how our heroes have been surviving it? Perhaps the thrust of success has overcome it!@ Farhan, it seems whenever ETV gives live coverage, the team struggle on the pitch. So I think ETV stays away from this . Anyways, watching the game on ETv isn't as appealing as reading from Ethiosport, or supersport. The image quality in ETv sucks big time.FYI, the game will be transmitted live by supersport.
Tadamasa Zanzibar is an island, thdnoauss of fisherman sail out on their little boats everyday for products to sell at the markets. This certainly did not come from a super market. This area is popular for both locals and tourists, as the food is inexpensive and very fresh. There are many African coastal regions that eat seafood. We had some game meat in Namibia (as well as seafood on the coast), but in Tanzania and Kenya it game meat is outlawed. The most abundant meat in the 9 countries we visited was probably goat, tastes a little like lamb. There are traditional supermarkets, but most people buy from local open air markets.Sent via BlackBerry by AT T
Amin Great post.But don't you know that ice cream is in fact made from the very vaccines that could save small cridlhen? Because really, it's all just the same basic matter that is consumed and goes into all capital goods.Or maybe we shouldn't trust such claims when predicated on a model of capital homogeneity that is simpler than Warcraft II.