We have finally made it to Singapore, and we are staying in a hostel which gives us 20 minutes of free internet each day, so I thought I would challenge myself and see if I can write a short post..... we'll see how i go!
We arrived in Singapore 2 days ago - we were sad to leave Australia after so long, but also looking forward to a change, and somewhere a little less humid! We've only spent 2 days in Singapore but have managed to run around the city like headless chickens trying to fit in all the 'sights' and soak up the atmosphere before we leave tomorrow for Kuala Lumpa.
We spent yesterday exploring the town, and took part in the nations favourite passtime - shopping! I don't think i have ever seen so many shopping malls in one place before, it's crazy, and they even have Marks and Spencer and Topshop! We also managed to see singapores 'sights' - we saw the half dragon half fish statue, the esplanade theatre, some buildings in the old colonial district and of course all the sky scrapers. We spent the evening having a drink at Clarkes Quey, which is the trendy area of town according to the Lonley Planet - it was really nice but felt quite western, we could have been anywhere! We also ventured into Chinatown which was fantastic - really puts China town in london to shame - so many different restaurants and market stalls, and we were lucky enough to stumble upon some pre chinese new year celebrations which were happening.
We spent our last day in singapore visiting some different temples in little india which were really impressive - one was a hindu temple, one buddhist, and one a chinese religon of some description. they were all really elaborate, but so different from each other. the buddhist temple had a huge buddah in in - about 9m high, it was crazy! We also went to sentosa island, which was where Fort Silosa is, which was the Fort used by the British to 'protect' Singapore in WWII. We decided to give orselves some culture and went to the Fort museum, which was actually in the old fort, adn then after we checked out some of the cheesy entertainment which the island is now famous for - we took a chairlift to the top of the island, and then came back down again on a 'luge' which is a cross between a go kart and a taboggon. We decided to live the high life this evening and went to Raffles Hotel for one of their famous 'Singapore Sling' cocktails - the cocktail wasn't the nicest, but the bar and hotel was very impressive - very different to the rest of Singapores architecture as it was built in the colonial era, but had a really nice atmosphere.
Our visit to Singapore was fleeting but we have really enjoyed it. We're starting our journey into Malaysia tomorrow, so will update the blog soon.
Love Cat and Phil xxxxxx
- comments
Paola I hope the M'sian govt will not sleep. I hope they will BAN political senroms in any places of worship be it mosques, temples or churches. SEPARATE RELIGION FROM POLITICS. I hope those ularmaks, pastors, priests of Malaysia will make use of their wisdom to differentiate and separate religion from politics. Don't make beautiful M'sia into an Egypt, where Muslims kill Christians and vice versa. Or maybe this is part of the agenda on some racist and greedy peoples' minds, to get to power no matter what and to use any tools of persuasion to get what they want. They can't use Bumi versus Bumi/Pribumi so they use Muslims (Malays) against Christians (other Bumis/other races). It is so obvious isn't it? KDN, please wake up before it is too late.PEACE TO ALL REGARDLESS OF YOUR RELIGION, BELIEFS AND CULTURE.