The last few days we have spent in Miami not doing to much at all, we have spent nearly every day at the beach and I m looking so brown. We ended up going to a few beaches South beach ( this is the popular beach) wasn't the nicest as there was lots of seaweed so we spent one day there then went to Haulover beach which was sheltered and there was no seaweed the water was crystal clear but it was so hot. We ended up buying a beach umbrella for the few days as it worked out cheaper the hiring chairs and a umbrella. We went to the baseball last night ( thanks Ash, Scott and Zara for the tickets ) it was a lot of fun we decided to catch the bus to stadium 1 hour 40 mins later we arrived we ended up just getting a taxi home. The baseball was fun, the stadium was new and very flash we were suppose to be in the top tier but when we went to go to our spots they got us to see a lady and they relocated us to the first section in prime position behind the catcher in row 24 :)
Today we spent the morning at the beach we thought we had a 435pm flight but when we arrived we found out we didn't fly to 935pm as our flight had been changed, they said they emailed us and now looking back we have the email but forgot to make a note of it whoops our fault luckily they have Internet.
Health status:
I have a cold again, Ive had a cough for a bought 1.5 weeks now its getting worse and I have runny nose, sore throat. It silly its summer here I think it's all the air con and then going out into the heat. I thought I had a good immune system:(
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