Hello, Well i have some time left on my internet thing so i have to use it or its wasted. So it's blog time.
Cant remember what I wrote before about the Canada visa situation, but the status is still the same, except know im pretty much 100% sure i wont be getting a nice shiny visa, and instead will have to ask very nicely to come and see the lab and maybe spend a week looking at things and DEFINITELY NOT WORKING.. stupid immigration.
Dont really know how much longer i'm away for anymore, could be 2weeks, 7weeks or (very unlikely) 3months. But im kinda not fussed which one it is, as long as i find out what is happening soon!
Hiring a bike tomorrow and doing a little wine tour in a place called Renwick, it's all autumny there so hopefully be some nice pictures to take aswell. Got a new book today, actually paid money for it.. but it was in a sale so thats fine.
Been in Nelson 4days now, feels like ages, but the hostel is nice enough and you get free breakfast and chocolate pudding in the evening, neither of which i really bother with cos you have to queue up for both and thats abit much effort.
Anyway not much more to say and time is nearly up anyway. Hope you're all well, i think i saw some sunshine headed your way on the forecast?
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