Hi Guys,
really quick update just so u know we are still alive (though ten mins to write so quick quick...)
we are now in Cairns. in the rain. woo.
Since fraiser island we have done the most amazing watching baby turtles hatch from their eggs on the beach and skuttle down the sand to the sea and be swept around by the tide before heading out to the EAC (east australian current) to begin their journey, they wont return to that beach again for 30 years, mainly only the females to lay eggs. it was an amazing chance to see them and we were lucky enough to see two lots of them hatch and we shone lights to guide them down to the sea (they get confused by light pollution.. please save the environment!!)
NExt we stopped at the capraicon caves which we interesting but a bit wet...
after that we headed up to Mackey where we dropped off Jess to catch her flight down to sydney. we werent the biggest fans of mackey.. bit quite and we stayed in a fun cockroach infested place as areas too wet for tents. in the morning we left Jess (hugs) and drove on up to the whitsundays... again too wet for tents but we got a cabin for the night and went out on a boat to see the islands and attempted to do some snorckling though the water was too murky after the cyclone to see much (or even ur hand infront of ur face) but the beaches were lovely and a great boat ride.
so now we have carried on up to cairns our final stop in australia and we have 4 days here to hopefully do some better snorckling, some native stuff and maybe a bit of who knows. atm it is raining. a lot. another cabin required. move into hostels soon we think to escape the wet.
more info soon. sorry quick.
lots of love
Risha, Ted, Will and Jo
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