I'm writing this at the very beginning of February and realized I have a lot to catch up on with my blog, so I hope it remains relatively clear.
I will start with the moving out of our Windsor flat, which is a little confusing but it all happened over the period of a week and coinciding with the arrival of my Mum - YAY.
Me and Chloe paid up our rent to the 20th December, so technically and officially moved out on that day, well picked the remains of our stuff up anyway. We moved most our junk that seemed to have doubled, if not tripled in size, on the 15th; the day before Mum arrived. We moved back to Ringwood with Terry and Dianne, so we could spend as much time as possible with Mum whilst she was here, as she was staying with T and D, it was also lovely to be back at the house. Dianne's Mum, Catherine, from Ireland was also staying in Ringwood at the time, so it was a full house!
We didn't think Mum's flight would arrive on time and stopped off at MaccyD's for a quick coffee at the airport, although surprisingly, her flight was bang on time, so we felt really bad when we walked in and she'd been waiting for quarter of an hour. Not that she minded but it wasn't how I envisioned our first meeting after 3 months!
The next couple of days me and Chloe were finishing off our last shifts before Christmas, so we were unable to spend much time with Mum, all three of us together, for her first days. Chloe stayed over at our Windsor flat for her shifts, since it was closer to work when she finished at the early hours of the morning; instead of trekking all the way out to the suburbs at Ringwood, when she would have to catch the night bus, with all of the drunkards I should imagine (no trains at that time).
I stayed one more night over at Windsor before moving out all together on the Sat eve; since I was working from 8 the next morning. Mum's first few evenings consisted of meals out: Friday I joined Mum with Terry, Dianne, their friend Pat, Catherine and Graham and Nat at Persian Flavours, my first Persian meal, as far as I'm aware - very nice too. The second (Sat) evening, the same lot, minus Graham, Nat and Pat And with T and D's friend Whim instead, dined at the Nepalese restaurant Ghurkas. The meal here was very tasty too; allowing Terry full reign to decide on the dishes. I remember, despite being full to the brim and having loved the rest of the meal, finished off about three of the breads ( bit like pancakes) at the end of the meal) - I couldn't see them go to waste, I like to call it: keeping energy in reserve, just in case.
Having inherited a couple of what I can only assume to be guppies from our first flat mates in Windsor, Terry and Dianne's friend Whim had received news of this, being a fish keeper himself and considered as a good opportunity to give the fish to someone who would a) want them and b) look after them better than me and Chloe; given our history of fish is not really the best, short lived is actually a term I would use.
I had finished my last shift 19th Dec, although, Chloe's last shift was the next day, so I spent the Monday with Mum before we were all re-united on that evening! Having been to the historical house Como a couple of weeks before, me and Chloe thought Mum would really appreciate it, so that's what we did on the Monday. We had a tour round the house, with a different tour guide to the first time, I only mention because some of the details differed slightly from the first time, but nonetheless, I'm sure was still quite accurate. Mum seemed to enjoy herself and we stole away a few minutes sat down next to the pond in front of the house that was deadly silent and very tranquil. Whilst we were sat a Kookaburra flew down very close to us and scanned the grass for some grub. We headed toward Chapel for lunch to pop in and see Chloe at work in Bridie's, where we enjoyed the quiche and sweet potato chips, as recommended by Chloe, and very tasty they were too.
After Chloe's shift we headed for our Windsor flat one last time to collect our last bits and pieces. For dinner we went to a Thai place which doesn't look very much from the outside, or inside really, although, there is a nice none-pretentious atmosphere and the food was really good. This was our first evening, just the three of us, all back together again and it was so delightful catching up with Mum.
On the Tuesday 21st Dianne took us to Heidi; a sculpture and arts centre. On arrival we had our mandatory morning coffee then had a wander around the modern art in one of the galleries. There was a mix of art from Australian artists, some really not my cup of tea, such as, a female artist who I think had quite a lot of issues of anger and sadness portrayed in her pictures involving topics of a painful and genital nature. There was some interesting stuff too, also not really my ting but different kind of concept; using spider webs contorted into different shapes and in a variety of colours. Another guy had painted with immaculate fine detail but I didn't really understand his subject matter with his painting of a guy with a massive beard five times as big as he was… as I say, interesting. After some of the modern art we were a little drained and the coffee energy had worn off, so we lunched at the café that was there. I had the boring option of soup of the day and Chloe and Mum a tad more exciting with a tuna baguette and chips.
Typically we found our favorite work at the very end of the day, half an hour before closing time. In a separate gallery, or cottage and garden, was the work by Mirka Mora and Australian immigrant, who was born in 1922 in France and moved over to Australia in the early fifties. She actually studied miming in Paris before beginning her artist career. She also opened a few cafes' in Melbourne and by the sounds of it was simply fabulous! Her work reflected a sort of child like naivety in her depiction of fairytale and mythical characters and creatures, in numerous forms of painting, drawing, and in the making of cushions. We all fell in love with her unique and sweet aesthetically pleasing style, so much so that we attempted to find her café in Melbourne, although, unfortunately when we got there it had turned into a silly shiny hotel. However, we were thrilled to discover that the mural at Flinders Station, me and Chloe must have walked past..well a lot, is one of hers, and with this knowledge on closer inspection its so obvious; featuring her distinctive cute doe-eyed characters'.
The next few days leading up to Christmas Day were spent shopping for presents, Wednesday (22nd) in the city and Thurs in Eastland's shopping centre in Ringwood.
We stopped by my friend's new workplace in the city for a coffee before venturing for presents. I used to work with her at Triim and now she seems really happy in this new cafe on Queens Street in the city. She (Lisa) was also pleased to meet my Mum and Chloe again, having heard so much about them and through me counting down the days untill I saw my Mummy!
We managed to buy most presents for the family on the first day of shopping but needed a few extra bits and pieces, apart from the fact that I was in desperate need of buying something for Chloe and Mum ahh.
Eastland's, well, is a shopping mall and if you spend too much time in there, you run the risk of driving yourself insane; it was such a good feeling to walk out of that place come 5 o'clock ish. I apologised in advance for the presents Chloe and Mum were going to receive for Christmas, promising I would make it up to them next year. It was just a case of rush buying, and they seemed to like their presents but maybe they were just sympathising and nice enough to hide their real reactions.. Thankfully, that was the last necessary shopping day before Crimbo.
It was a very unusual run up to Christmas; without needing to tidy, clean, prepare anything (apart from wrap a few presents) or put up any decorations. Me, Chloe and Mum felt slightly redundant, trying to offer to do something wherever we could but Terry and Dianne had it alll under control, best hosts' in the entire world, period. The only thing I missed a little bit was a Christmas tree, although, everything else was amazing; the food and company was absolutely superb, so I can go without a tree for one Christmas I think.
Christmas morning was not our usual.. well I suppose nothing about Christmas day was going to be our usual, so Im going to save a few more lines on making the comparisons and just focus on what actually happened for this Christmas. Me and Chloe couldn't really help out in the kitchen because there was already three a plenty and you know what they say about too many cooks'. Mum and Catherine peeled, chopped and rinsed, whilst Terry followed his cooking schedule and oversaw the whole operation. Alhough, I'm sure Dianne mananged to sneak in there and whip up a couple of dishes too.
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