Really pleased to see the photos especially the bathing goddesses :0)))
What an adventure! Take care. Buffy
Hi Caroline - you are making me feel very old reading your amazing adventures ! I am hooked so keep writing. Take care !
L Again
I take it all back - we have photos - Thank you
Well Caroline - you certainly are the intrepid traveller now - a pair of hiking boots and an injury. Are you in danger of becoming a fitness freek? I am pleased you managed to replace the sunnies and the watch, even the most intrepid traveller can't live without some things. No photos as yet? - technology is not my thing either! I will pass your contact details on to the family in Melbourne.
Love to All. Take care
Hi, Carol!
I'm happy to see that you will be able to practise your wonderful Spanish. Argentinians have a very special accent, then if you manage to understand them you will manage to understand all Spanish speakers, definitively. Take care.
A lot of kisses from Jose Antonio and Alicia.
Just been for tea with Barkley at Buff's; he's definitely a dorble. Will try to get a photo in due course!
Hi Caroline and friends---your journal makes a really good read--maybe the next career should be as a travel writer!
It sounds as if you are having a fantastic experienceand that it is mostly going to plan so spite of the wettings.
Keep up the entertainment please--where next?
Caroline, it is lovely to read your journal as you write as tho you are speaking . . . a wonderful antidote to the sleet and wind we are 'enjoying' at the moment!! Heard all about J&J's adventures this morning, and am suffering from itchy feet now!
Matt and Ali have bought a puppy! He is called Barkley after Ollie Barkley a rugby player with Bath. He is a Cocker spaniel and only 9 weeks old but already nearly as large as Tizzy and Sam were when they were full grown. He is full of beans, and comes here while Ali is teaching. It is lovely to enjoy his company and know that he is going home with Ali at the end of the day!
Take care of yourself, and keep writing the journal please
lots of love from us both,
Buff :0))))))
Auntie M.
Love reading about all your adventures. Sounds really fantastic. Also thanks for the wedding tip....Will save the outfit for the pre wedding dinner if necessary!! Continue to have fun and watch out for any "DAUBER" family in Uruguay!!
Auntie Monica
Just been chatting to Linda to find out when the parents returm. She mentioned your web site.....didn't get any notification of it. Now catching up with all your news. Sounds marvellous. Lots of Love
Hello Ladies,
Sounds like you girls are really enjoying yourself. Love the pictures, they're amazing. Caroline...what were you thinking wearing flip flops for an amazon hike?! You donkey! Your foot could have got eaten by a giant spider or something! Keep slapping on that suntan lotion. Missing you girls loads. I'll be loosing Gemma too soon, but i'm enjoying reading about your trips. Glad to hear you're all well, having a good time and looking after each other. I'm a pro at skiing now, so maybe next year we could all give that a bash together.
Love always Kristy xx
Hi, Carol!
I've been reading all your fantastic and exciting adventures, and can't wait for telling all to Jose and Alicia!.
Ah, by the way, have a Happy Valentine's day, do something special (dancing, at least 2 caipirinhas) but please take care: Brazilian boys are very...too much...dangerous.
Kisses from Jose and Alicia too