Great to hear you are almost home & Megs & Brett's baby doing well! How exciting! Catchya soon! xx
Thanks guys for ur messages nice to know we have followers on our blog!
Kym and Jenny's Show tonight
Hi Oz & Carol, great shots of the horizontal falls. Tried to ring you for your birthday but guess you are on the Gibb River road somewhere. We spent a couple of interesting days on Anna Plains Station and are now camped on the beach at Cleaverville. Great spot and if the fishing is good we will wait for David&Kay here instead of Port Sansom. (Unfortunate name). Will give you a ring when you are in range. Cheers
Vicki Lawless
Just read about your trip to Horizontal Falls sounds amazing!
Vicki Lawless
Happy birthday grey nomad! What have you got planned for today and where the bloody hell are you? Wrote a msg on your FB page, didn't realise you were residing in London? Did you get to watch the Crows & Suns game ? Hoping we can take that attitude to Freo this weekend! Well it's still dark here & thinking I might have a slow read of newspaper. Greg's very jealous his alarm just went for his 6:30 morning swim with Chook Barrett! He comes home blue & jumps back into bed with electric blanket on 3! Annoying thing is the weight is dropping off him! Carol another goal on our bucket list - to regularly swim across the lake from your house with Stelleen ( in summer) .
I won't be a starter til 2016 when I'm a grey nomad!
Anyway guys safe & happy travels! xx
Vicki we are receiving your messages although your spelling leaves a little to be desired. Take care Tony
Looks like you are having a great time! Also looks like your spending more internet time updating you blog rather than calling your lone daughter in London! Joking. Keep them coming. Feels like I'm right there with you (apart from its raining and 12 outside). xxx
Looks like you guys are having a fantastic time on your travels
Here it has just got cold and rainy so I am jealous of all your pics of beaches and sunshine!!
Miss you lovely carol!
I envy the weather you guys are getting up there. Caught 126 whiting with my neighbour out towards wedge the other day.Bit ssmaller than most of what you have been catching though.Keep Safe.
Vicki Lawless
Hi guys not sure what's happening with these msgs this is my 3 rd attempt & they seem to disappear!! Enjoying your pics can't believe how big the fish are! Busy weekend with Ladies Day at footy club yesterday & Contax Ladies Day today! Exhausting!! Almost finished my reports! All good at school Seadragon unit running fairly smoothly. Safe travels xx