Have I been to Paraguay? Technically, yes I have. However, I can´t say that I know Paraguay all that well as I did only go there to fill another page of my passport! My plan was to leave Argentina, enter and exit Paraguay, enter Brazil to then then go on towards Rio de Janeiro. I should have known from past experience that nothing ever goes to plan. I thought that the process would be extremely quick and simple. Not even close...
7am I left Puerto Iguazu on a local bus. I successfully left Argentina and so continued to Paraguay via Brazil??! I arrived 40 minutes later at Paraguay´s immigration control. All went smoothly here but then I had to work out how to get back into Brazil in order to find a suitable bus that could take me to Rio. After a bit of difficulty trying to haggle a taxi fare back into Brazil, I had to endure the embarrassment of going back to the same man who had given me my entry stamp for him to now give me permission to leave (after only a total of about 10 minutes spent in his country). I think it must quite a common occurence as he didn´t bat an eyelid! So, off I continued over the bridge to Foz Do Iguacu in Brazil. All went fine here until I arrived at the bus station where I was told that the bus I wanted left from Puerto Iguazu in Argentina. Another taxi ride and a lot of suspicious passport stamps later, I was back to where I had started 4 hours earlier.
I am still wondering whether my trip to Paraguay was worth it or not?!
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