The world is my classroom and today the main thing I did was sit in a car driving through the middle of New Zealand but I did learn why the middle of NZ looks so different than the coast. There is not a lot of rain so it is all brown there is nothing green. The wind and clouds all come from the West to New Zealand so they first hit the west coast. There are mountains there (the backbone of New Zeland) that stop the clouds coming from getting to the middle. When the clouds touch the mountains they turn in to water. They turn in to water because the gas in the clouds turns into rain whenever something touches it. Only the really, really high clouds make it over and there is not so many of those because the mountains are usually taller. That is why there is not a lot of rain in the middle of NZ and it is brown and there is a rain forest on the west coast and it is green. Now what do you thing about that?
I also learned that some people go in the lakes naked. We were parked by a lake. : O There where boys in it. : O They were naked. : O We went in the lake and it was warm on the top but cold on the bottom. That time no one put their head under the water. It was such a beautiful scene with a bunch of mountains on one side of the lake and the tallest one of them all was Mt. Cook covered with snow even though it was boiling hot. I was travelling to Akaora. It took 8 HOURS!!!!!! When we got there I was asleep.
Captain-O Out!
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