Peter and Caroline's Most Excellent Adventure!!!
Oh what a merry happy flock
We were at 6am O' #@*^ing clock
We set off from Annie's place
Nobody in the mood to race
"5am is a bad time to rise"
Came all our sleepy little cries
Yet off we set on our tour
Wondering what the hell we were in for
Mark 'Our Captain' looked too awake
I mean - NO need - for heanven's sake!
He blasted out tunes to help our mood
But - Kylie - the locomotion - really dude?!
At our first stop we stretched our strides
Whilst other paid up for camel rides
Then back on the bus and on the road
To see what our next stop would behold
Kings Canyon what a magnificent place
Around which we set off at a hell of a pace
Up heart attack hill we almost ran
Happy our adventure had truely began
The flora and fauna were beautiful to see
But the edge a very scarry place to be
The sun beat down on our backs
As back to the bus we made our tracks
Looking forward to sleeping under the stars
Who knows maybe we'd even spot mars
Mark talked us into buying loads of bees
In hope of putting away our dingo fears
The evening sunset was mighty fine
But our bellies wondered when we'd dine
Mark announced we'd be eating camel chilli
We all thought he was just being silly
But no that is really what we all had
And then all agreed it wasn;t half bad
We ate round the campfire in a ring
As talk turned to what the solstace would bring
The Solstace eve was bitterly cold
More than any of us could have fortold
Hardly a wink was slept through the night
In the morning we all looked a sight
Our fingers and toes had nearly dropped off
And our swags well, really slagged off
Hey Ho we smiled what fun, fun, fun!
Knowing our adventure had REALLY begun
Defrosting we set off to the mighty rock
Some concerned it would just be a sandstone block
But truely ULURU was a magnificent sight
It seemed that all the hype had been right
Some of us went up and the rest went round
For all there were lots of crannies to be found
Then after a few'snags' for lunch
We were all a much happier bunch
Now off to the Olga's for afternoon walks
And more of Mark's enlightening talks
Cameras clicked and videos whirred
As we chose what angle we preferred
The slide shows that would come from this
Truely would take the absolute p*ss
For every flower and leaf were shot
In case a memory was mistaken or forgot
Next back to Uluru we did rush
So over the sunset we could gush
Getting there we made our bus fly
Other spectators thought we were high
Canapes were pilferred for us to nosh
From the tables of the posh
The rock changed from yellow to black
This lack of kaleidescope got some flack
But we drank some beer and drank some goon
And at another tour group we did moon
Then as we were leaving the site
Our minds returned to our pagan night
Would there be a sacrifice ahead
Before I rest my sleepy head?
We began our ritual with a box
The more religious in their sox
The ritual was like a game
Some participants left in pain
Nontheless we were up before the birds
Looking like we'd been rubbed in t*rds!
For our camp had no shower block
..Ah well off to the sunrise at the rock
Nearing the end of our trip
(Before Mark lost all grip!)
We stopped to hear a dingo sing
Much amusement did he bring!
Then back home to Annies place
With a big cheesy grin on our face!!
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