Hellllooooooo!!!! or An-yong-ha-say-oh!!!! hehehehe.
It is sooooo good to see you here in Korea!!!!!! I want to show you everything and explore loads with you!!!!! I missed you so much while we were apart, but now its all ok. Can't wait to take you to school with me!!!!! You can have a taste of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you really enjoy everything in Korea and in all the rest of your travells!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
love always ~ Lizzi xxx
Hi hon, glad you re coping so well with biting fish, mosquis, leeches, red and black ants, lizards, cockroaches, squat toilets, try not to think of lovely bed, clean sheets, clean clothes washed by mum, left in your room, dinner, nice toilet with SOFT toilet paper..... should i go on? Better not i think..... love you x
Hi hon, loving your blog, Nannys read some, she has to come here, hasnt figured out yet she doesnt have internet free! bless..... Keep it comming. love and miss you. xxxx
Yo Candz,
It is funny I am getting a a good view into what food you can get in different countries lol. I am waiting for the next post. How is the capital?
Keep up your travelling fun but I want to see pictures of all these place and sights upon your return.
Don't worry mum I'm s***ting it all out ;P China was big for banquets but now it seems to be more normal!!! Xx
Hi Hon, glad you're having such a brilliant time, but please don't come back as ten ton Candy, all you seem to be doing is eating! Take care and keep up the blogs and e-mails, so I can follow your travels. love you, Mum xxx
Keep up the blog its good and its like keeping a diary, when your home you can print off the pages and stick photos in and there you have an easy travel scrapbook.
ahh my lunch break is over
Write to you soon
Hello my love! Wow! Your out there! In the big wide world! It feels so wierd that while I lay here in bed on a rainy Sunday afternoon you are the other side of the world having so many wounderful new and exciting experiences!
I hope your having an absolutely fabulous time, I'm loving the blogs and the insights into 'foods of the world' lol, you really should be a food critic seeing as you ALWAYS write about food lol!
I know we/I should have sorted this out before you went, and I know my organisation skills are extreamly bad but my Austalia details:
7th-18th Jan, Perth (i think its West Perth) if you still want to meet when your in Aussie land- i think the easyest thing to do is for you to just say a date you will be free, ill give you my contact number and were try our very best to met and then go exploring!
Hope you continue to have a brill time, needless to say I am missing you, your farts and burps and our late night deep car convos :p
Take care and have fun!
Iain xxxxxxxxxx
Candice Jones (Me)
Thanks guys thats sweet - I'm haiving an ace time :) by the way when yuo read beijing i updated the blog so you need to click into the 2nd beijing log to read the whole of it xxx muxh love xxx
Wow, i'm sitting here smiling reading every bit of your blog. . .sounds quite distgusting! Spitting on buses??? What the FFF???
Sounds like your having quite an adventure, KIT. XX
Yo yo yo!!! Just read ur blog sounds kl so far!! We hope its all goin well.. (actually im quite jelous i would like to be ther with you!) Although wouldnt like to see those little kids pooing everywhere lol..Brett is missing you, even though he does the "manly" thing and pretends his ok lol. And we think that little apollo misses you too, he seems sad :( apart from when he is busy biting my feet haha.. anyway i hope ur ok and we will see you sooon have fun :) lotsa love x Lauren x