hola!! buenos dias! i[m back in mexico city although staying in a different hostel for variety!!!
ok so catch up....last time i blogged i was in cancun doing my diving was 17th..that night not sure i put this in sorry if i did, joined peter and andy for a meal at the argentinian steak house...had a real nice meal and it was nice to be civilised again!!! stayed out til 12 soaking up atmosphere which probably wasn[t wise as had to be up at 6 next morning to go on a dive at 8am!!
managed to do it....trotted off on boat for last day of course! we had to complete all skills we had learnt in the pool in the sea before we were signed off, which i managed!! it was funny though as the last skill we had to perform was taking our gear off on surface of sea and putting it back on without drowning!! as i took mine off i must have pulled my bikini strap too and realised straight away top had fallen down so i was busy trying to tie it back up, that the instructor thought i was struggling with skill til he saw me anxiously tying my top!! then did the skill!!! made me laugh cos thought maybe it was my subconscious thinking of any last ditch attempt to pass the course!!! ha ha!! i wouldn[t sink so low....or maybe i nearly did because of it!!! ha ha! i[m not losing any of my poor humour while i[m away...sorry guys!!!
ok so in my last dive i saw a shark, puffer fish, sea turtle and loads more fish!!! was ace!! only problem i have is equalising as you get deeper, some people don[t have to equalise until every 10metres, i on the other hand am like every metre!!! Still after being cautious i still have water in my ears 3 days later!!! asked the instructor why this was and he said we all have different sized tubes from our ears to sinuses and mine must be i[m working with that i have dainty tubes!!!! well there has to be something dainty about me right!!!!
ok, so i[m a qualified diver wooo hoo! that afternoon went home and had a siesta before hitting town to celebrate with andy and peter and also a guy staying in hostel, ryan. we went to a club called the city... and was good, except i was drinking with 2 scottish blokes who are in the club n bars industry and an aussie!!! i held my own well! club was fun and then got bus home!! the buses run 24hours and are so reliable, everyone uses them if only we had night buses in coventry, be much cheaper for a night out!
19th... just had a chilled day, went round the shops and headed to beach to read my book even though not that sunny! went for food at night and then had an early one! although did get inspiration to travel to argentina from santiago for two weeks after finish tour! seems stupid not to when i[m so close and transport across countries is reliable and cheap!!
20th! last day in cancun, sun was shining and had another beach day! even though applied copious amounts of sun cream and covered up still managed to get odd bits of sunburn....i never tan with even coverage!! when got back to hostel got chatting with a girl and guy from denmark who offered me to have tea with them, saying yes i realised i didn[t know what they were making but thought am going to have to grin and bear it regardless or its rude!! i helped make the tea, given the job of making the guacamole, an avocado, onion and tomato concoction...recipe the girl had acquired with beef and cheese fryed tortillas! was delicious and i loved the guacomole...infact think i might make some tonight! i[m changing!!!!
headed to cocobongo, long awaited as i[d wanted to go since arrived in cancun! found out tuesday night was ladies night so 25 dollars instaed of 40!!! friends who i[d met in mexico city were in cancun so it was all arranged to meet them and andy and peter! also gathered peeps from hostel, a cute american couple, rachel and paul, ryan and me set off...met up with andy, rob, jenni and seb and the night was ready to begin!! however cocobongo was not letting people in til 12 as they were having a promotion night for reps and it was also 40dollars! after chatting with ticket seller saying i needed to pay by card as had only bought enough mony for ladies night rate...he was saying its 40 dollars and u get to go to a bar across the road and drink free there too so effectively it was two bars for price of one! i argued that if coco[s had been open earlier like a normal night i[d be in there drinking and for cheaper...he then was like ok i[ll do you a deal and gave rachel and i a voucher to get in for 25 dollars!!! the art of persuauion...bonus!!! went to bar opposite and had free drinks off guys tickets.. and then headedto cocobongos at 12!!! standing in q were given glo bracelets and then as walk into club are given a shot of tequila and a lime wedge! what a novel idea! get into club, there are two floors, upstairs more like a balcony around the square dance floor that is infront of the bar and stage, performance area! so we all went to dance floor an dthen the shows began!! there was spiderman swinging in on a trapeze, then matrix/also a trapeze act with loads of them spinning!, elvis, mask, freddie mercury, bon jovi,moulin rouge!!! michael jackson....all spectacular! in between each show is time for boogie to rocking music and a chance to dance on stage just behind bar!! all amazing, but my night got better, when the Mask came on two people were chosen from audience to go on stage, i was one of them after bouncer motioned me to move towards him...i had no idea what was happening and then realised when tequila was poured down my neck!!! later in the eve i was again taken by a cocobongo staff member and lead to the performace balcony where all acts performed and was put to podium bit where singers stood to dance!!! was loving it, but laughing as another about 10 girls were selected to dance on the balcony and they spoent their time trying to look sexy and all that, i jus raved like i normally do!! having lots of fun and then we were motioned to stand on some blocks by dj as screens came down and behind them freddie mercury impersonator was getting ready...he gave me a kiss on the cheek and then went an performed on the little podium where i[d been!! the screens came up and my dreams came true i was a backing dancer to the queen medley!!! it was crazy but one hell of a night!!!
got in at 5 and had to be up at 7 to pack bags and get bus to airport! rachel and paul were leaving to so we caught the bus in together, all feeling rough!! got my flight to mexico city, got myself to hostel and went to bed! awoke and went for food with rob who has also returned to mex city after being in cancun prev night and a another guy from hostel then retreated back and went to bed!!!
today spending my time sorting out all admin bits and bobs!!! am planning on a quiet few days in mex city trying to save money!!! we[ll see how i get on!!!
will see if i can upload some photos if it works happy viewing if not...well i[m sorry!!! la sientos!!
adios, x x x
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