Great to read what you've both been doing and to see the pictures. You both look very cold!!! All looks great what you have seen so far..... Keep it updated when you can.
Lots of love,
Len and Serge,
Hi Cal and Jamie
really good to hear from you and to 'see' you both on are obviously having a really good experience in North America..... this will help set you both up well for when you are on your own later 'backpacking'......less luxuries etc. also a good opportunity to check you have the essentials that you may not have packed!!! You now have the opportunity to buy extras that you may need....what was the inauguration of Obama like for the folks of Philadelphia....were there parties etc?
Love Muvs/pops
Take care .....keep your blog page updated regularly....we rely on it!!!!!
Hi Cal! How is Philly treating you?Finding your travelling feet? Hope that you and Jamie are enjoying yourselves and taking care....waiting with baited breath for your first blog!!
Love you loads and always
Big Sis
Close your eyes and imagine my dulcet tones singing the old Bruce Springsteen classic....."On the streets of Phillidelpia...nah, nah, nah, nah-nah...." !!!!!
Think your toes have only just stepped onto the coach to leave Darlington.... :( Miss you already.... Thinking of you, as always- Thank God you are organised this time and got a blog! Love always and please keep in touch! Most importantly, have the time of your life.... Look forward to seeing pics and hearing all about it on your blog. The odd phone call or two wouldn't go a miss either sweetie....