Bit of a sleep in this morning 8.00. Walked around streets however need to keep track of where you are going as streets run in all directions. Beer and smokes are cheap six cans 500ml ten Aussie dollars smokes seven bucks a pack Aussie but fuel over two dollars a litre. Apartment is ok but a bit small for five people so had to endure a cold shower in preparation for wedding. Keeping an eye on the Hawks and Eagles game scores are low must be raining. Won't have photos from wedding as been told it will be gawky taking iPad. Language barrier has been ok and they seemed to know what you want even if French is a bit rough. Tried to upload video of driving in Ireland but can't get it going. Off to wedding now go hawks!
Obviously the Hawks need a new coach.
The wedding was in a large cathedral and the wedding was a full kit and caboodle ceremony. The Anglican bishop to Europe presided over it with two other ministers and a sixteen person choir. It was very traditional with no Tom toms or drums and lasted an hour and twenty minutes followed by champagne and canapés within the cathedral. Had an hour or so to fill in so went back to apartment. Reception started at seven and when we arrived there were photographers and police near the building. I thought they may have been after a glimpse of me but alas the reception was next door to the presidential palace and Sarkozy was there. More likely after a photo of his wife. Elections are being held here on Sunday which is now today. To say the reception centre was Mickey mouse would be a gross understatement as photos will reveal. I have to get photos from Matt to upload and now he's in bed. First Saturday I haven't had a beer for awhile as there wasn't any. French wine and spirits so decided to give an opinion on the wine. A four course meal proceeded with an entree which I know had prawns but the rest was a mystery bag. Roast beef or similar followed however it was cut to steak size followed by a plate of cheese and salad which I passed on but did have the dessert which was nice. Four violinists played throughout the pre drinks and until the meals finished. The Eiffel tower lit up was in the background. A huge courtyard was below us and lit up. Glad I was not paying the bill and everything had to be paid before you got a knife and fork. A nightclub atmosphere followed dinner and old twinkletoes did a few moves. The night finished at 1.30 and might have slight headache in the morning probably due to lack of sleep. Streets pretty quiet on way back to apartment although some seedy looking characters coming out of Collins Pub as the taxi pulled up.
- comments
Marion Great to hear of your day out to the WW site and the wedding.Too bad about the Hawks. Pat very happy with Bombers. Hope everyone is enjoying Paris.