Bryony in Oz
The last few days have flown by - I'm so sad, I fly home on the day after tomorrow! I leave Helen tomorrow lunchtime to fly back down to Sydney then home via Tokyo the day after! And suddenly work is looming and seems a little bit scary, not sure I'm in the right mindframe at all yet!
Anyway, we spent a couple of extra days in Noosa it was so beautiful, and yes, I admit, the fact we were staying in a nice hotel helped to persuade us to stretch it out! Then we went down to Brisbane, which seemed a bit seedy the first night we arrived but turned out to be really up and coming, the South Bank river area was my fave place for chilling. They have an artificial tropical lagoon down there - sounds hideous but is actually pretty cool given it's slap bang in the middle of the city, you wouldn't find that at Liverpool Street guys!
Had a wicked night out with a couple of crazy Ozzie blokes we met - absolute nutters, but went to some great bars in the city. Also spent a fair few hours baiting some innocent little eighteen year old gappers by trying to use the expression "life-changing" as often as possible to see how long before they'd notice we were taking the piss...they didn't.
Now we're in Byron Bay, this is by far my favourite place in Oz except maybe Sydney. It's so chilled, the beach is beautiful and we're slowly turning into total hippies. Visited a strange little village inland yesterday called Nimbin where the tour guides advise you to leave your money at home and take marajuana if you want to buy anything there - enough said!
Friday night here was amazing - went to a place called the Beach Hotel, which I was expecting to be tiny but turned out to be the biggest bar I've ever seen This wicked UK group called Dirty Laundry were playing and, no joke, Helen and I raved around like lunatics for three hours solid. You could have wrung out my dress with sweat by the end of the night, nice! Luckily, just as it ended there was a massive thunderstorm so I stood out in the rain (probably looking a little bit psycho with my arms in the air and still headbanging!) to cool off. The viewout to sea was dramatic though, the lightning was literally bouncing off the water and lighting up the horizon in reds and pinks - it was life-changing, man!
Ok, so this is probably my last entry unless I get really bored in Sydney or Tokyo (chances?!) - the trip's been fabulous, darlings, but I'll also be really glad to catch up with y'all once I'm back in the real world! And don't forget, I have two cameras worth of photos of beaches, trees, and builidings which I will unsucessfully try to identify for you once I'm home... I bet you can't wait.
Love to everyone, see you soon!
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