So during the day I didn't do anything cause I nearly slept till afternoon.
Today in the late afternoon I went to the Fullmoon party in Koh Phangan. I had to take the ferry again, but I got to know some german guys there and someone from Finnland or something like that. Either way we got to know each other on the ferry. The german guys wanted to go get some magic mushrooms and I wanted to try it then. When we finally arrived we had to take a bus taxi or whatever it's called. It was already a party on the bus. When we got to the party the first thing we wanted to do was get something to eat. There were a lot of stands with food and drinks. We saw fireshows there and there was different kinds of music.
So at some point we went to get a mushroom shake. It was quite delicious, kinda like a real milkshake. Well the effects only started like one hour after, but it wasn't really what I expected it to be. For me it was kinda like a selffinding drug. Well I tought it was okey, but the german guys had to get another shake, at least the finnish guy looked after me I guess haha.
All in all it was a nice evening.
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