Great posts - very analytical and thought provoking! Government indeed has a long way to go, and tackling corruption is currently unfathomable - think of all the people who'd get roped in!
As for Istanbul...a lot of Asian countries have a similar lifestyle (minus the head scarves). It's really quite appalling! I'm glad that you are not only taking the time to see your new surroundings, but also to think about what you see and be grateful for the differences as well. It certainly is a humbling experience. :)
Take care and keep making wonderful memories!! :)
Tyler Smith
I like how it says "solve this sum" and I get nervous....
I just read your latest blog and I love them! Whenever I think of you it inspires me to go above and beyond anything I could imagine. I can't even begin to describe how amazing you are and everyday I believe this to be true. You are so young yet you have managed to accomplish so many things. You have helped so many people, myself included, and yet you ask for nothing in return. I wish I could put into words how much you mean to me and I am sure that everyone else that has posted here feels the same way about you, Brooke! Enjoy the rest of you trip and for god's sake BE SAFE!
Ruben Uribe
wow im glad ur having a great time. sorry not much of a writer. but wishing u the best and enjoy every moment.
Annie Jalota
Awesome adventures in Italy! I have yet to go to Rome or Naples, but Italy is an awesome place. I'm not surprised that the restaurant in Naples gave you appetizers on the house - Italians are pretty awesome like that! :D I was very happy to read of your adventures. I will have to ask you later how you got involved in this program because I SOOOO gotta try it!!! Take care!
Rod Stewart
Big virtual hug here. Where in Spain did you land?
Annie Jalota
Wowowowow! Your ship sounds so amazing, it blows my mind! I cannot WAIT for you to post a video, I wanna see your teacher in action! And I am positively astounded. A school on a ship, I love it!! Note to self: try to go on a similar trip in a few years....LOL. I am so glad to hear you are having loads of fun and learning a lot. Take care - can't wait to hear from you again!! :)
aaaw Brooke I'll miss you! I read your blog about your flight to Halifax. I'm not surprised that you've made friends easily. You're cool person to talk to. You make it easy for people to talk to you. Enjoy your trip sweetie! and watch out for pick pocketers lol. I can't wait to hear more about your adventures
Did you watch that movie?!? I would hate to have to come look for you. I don't have that much vacation time left.
Love you sweetie, have a great trip....
Jillian Levi
Looks like you're having fun already!
Richard W.
Hey Brooke!
Well I wish you luck on your journey! Have lots of fun and I wish you the very best! ^_^
Annie Jalota
Lol @ your Canadian blunders! Live and learn, kiddo! :)
Mr. A
I am so proud of you for doing this. I hope it is the experience you are expecting. I am looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back. I would even love for you to come be a guest speaker in my class. Be safe. See you when you return.