I made it. After flying from San Francisco, to Dallas, to San Salvador, to Lima... I have finally made it to Cuzco.
I carried a car part down in my luggage and some stuff for friends who live in Lima. I felt as close to a drug dealer as I hope to ever, when we made the pass off in the airport at 2am. First mission accomplished.
When I got to the airport in Cusco, I was suppose to be met by our outfitter for the Lares Trek. I read all the name signs and decided that this is where the adventure began. None of them said anything close to Brooke Johnson. I started reading how mug a legit taxi to town should be when I saw a young man with the sign "Sara Durs." I laughed and realized he was my ride. Sarah Byron, newly Durst would be me for the time being.
We headed into the city and again... reality hit that I can understand about 80% of Spanish, and can speak Spanglish like the smartest 3 year old in the land. Alas... Life traveling as the well informed mute.
Got to the hostal, Sunset House Cusco, and took a 3 hour nap and shower. Now I found a coffee and will try and stay up the rest of he day.
So far, Cusco feels safe, friendly and I am always a sucker for cobblestone streets and old buildings. Two mute thumbs up...
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