I think we were still drunk when we boarded the bus at 7am to Phonm Pehn - a 6.5hour bus journey was okay for approximately 3 hours until we came to our first rest stop. Abbey was too ill to barely get off the bus so Grace and Britt ventured out to see what they could find to eat and use a bathroom. However it wasn't long until they were runniong back onto the bus as they had been chased by little girls threatening to throw tiorranchula looking spiders at them if they didn't buy banana's off them. This palce was very creepy they were selling deep fried spiders and all the sellers walked around with these alive spiders just sitting on their chests!!!! It was about 2minutes to leaving and everyone was climbing on board when Abbey decided she wasn't feeling paricularly well and declared she was going to vomit!!! Plastic bag in hand she clambered down the bus alone out into spiderville and vomitted. And who should come to the rescue, Grace? NO, Britt? No! The little spide throwing ladies rubbed Abbey's back and got her serviettes to wipe her face.
We finally arrived in Phnom Pehn and unable to get to Kampot until tomorrow we decided to head to Sihanoukeville on the coast. Another 5 hour bus ride we arrived and found some cheap accom - $10 for a room with cable tv, own bathroom (cold water only) and a fan.
The next day was spent down on the beach all day on sun loungers under unmbrellas with the sea 2m away. Waiters waiting on us, $5 pedicures and manicures, $6 full body massages for an hour, $2 cocktails and $0.50 beers. This day was worth the wait.
Day two in Sihanoukville was much the same as the first except on a different (yet equally as nice if not nicer) beach. We spent most of the day relaxing in our loungers reading our books, basically living the dream preparing ourselves for the night ahead.
After a refreshing cold shower and a couple of cold beers at the bar at our accomodation we jumped in a tuktuk and headed back to Otres beach (where we had spent the day) for a music festival on the beach. We meet quite a few interesting people and got some good tips for our travels ahead. Alcohol was provided in a large water bottle with the top cut off for $3 each - unsure exactly what it was but it was terrible. Highlight of the beach party was most definately the photo we got off our mate Marty spinning a few yarns on the telephone. After this we headed back to town to a pool party at Utopia bar close to our accom. The lucky tuktuk driver i dont think knew what he was in for when 3 crazy new zealand girls jumped in the back. To our delight he played along with our shenanigans even allowing a sudden stop for us each to take our turn at 'driving' his vehicle. Shots and redbull vodkas were each a $1 so on our strick budget plus $10 we randomly found we made the most of the deals. In our true style the three of us were the first in the pool with alot of other partrons following suit.
Once again on day three in Sihanoukville we relaxed on a different beach called Victory Beach. Another beautiful place to lie back and enjoy our surrounding (and kill a few hangovers at the same time :-)) THe water is amazingly warm here felt like we could be in a bath but also refreshing in this 35degree heat. Sihanoukville WE LOVE YOU! (Britt is even considering venturing back and working here)
- comments
Marie Patton Sounds like the alcohol is not suiting your palates, you should give up! Hope you have enough sunscreen! An adventure you are having, 10 groups through open hm at nanas, hot wknd in Invers, but all well.xx00xx
Annette North Yep it sure looks like you are having a ball.Looks like Jenna and Keahn will be living in Nelson when you get home Britt