Toot Toot Toot the bus was waiting to take us to our next destination - Phnom Pehn. 4 hour air conditioned bus journey started well, but soon in Kep we picked up some locals who had aquired some fresh or not so fresh seafood that stank out our bus - you know when they get on and you are like please dont sit near us keep walking keep walking, you know like the fat man getting in the plane senario - same thing, cambodians would say same same but different, well you wouldnt believe it they lurched themsleves accross aisle from grace and britt and directly in front of me. To make matters worse half way along the little tike was sick and vommited, then they actualy departed the bus early, I was thinking sweet I can move up to sit next to the gals but oh no the beasts had left there sick in a bag hanging from the seat, with no rubbish bins in cambodia I was forced to continue sitting next to Mr B.O. think he was hungover guy. Not less than 10minutes from departure another guy sets into spew mode, where should he be sitting, diagonally back from me, WTF, I though bad things only came in 3 not by the dozen.
Found accom down on the lakefront $6 per room 4 beds so our wee friend womby can nestle up on his own tonight.
Visited KFC - the real deal this time and then onto the killing fields. A brief on this for those who dont know. In 1975 a guy called Pol Pot began a 4 year genocide in Cambodia with the Khemer Rouge and Pol Pot army. They killed educated families by the millions approx 3mill accross cambodia. Today we visited the largest site 14km outside the city to the mass burial site with approx 86 mass burial sites and the largest containing 466approx people in a 3 x 5m squared grave. Very sad and hard to believe it only occured approx 30 years ago!
We stopped at the Russian market and each made a purchase me a "same same, but different' (fav saying) t shirt, Britt a rolex and some pressies which I wont name here for some lucky suckers who are reading and gravy a $2 micky mouse watch as she is a stinge and wouldnt pay anymore for anything better.
Beers by the river then home for a night out... had some sneaky vods in our room then we headed down the road to an all day happy hour bar - Murpheys an irish bar not much irish about it until we started pulling out the drinking games and the bar staff (cambodian, but i think cambodians and irish he the same blood lines) joined in. They loved it and later reported that he practiced 2 more rounds of the coin, cup, toilet paper burning game after we left. We hit a night club in town on entry were padded dopwn to see if we were concealing any weapons, uh oh what do you know they found the weapons of mass destruction I was hiding under my dress - 2 guns aptly named des and troy - together they destroy - too scared to mess with us they let us pass. Shots, cocktails and a few boogies we dicided it was home time.
In the morning we headed to s21 the prison that the cambodians were held and tortured before being taken to the killing fields and killed - see photos. From here we visited the central markets and haggled a few bargains wat phnom and made good luck wishes spotted an elephant and coaxed some monkeys after all of this we hit the riverside for the yummiest and long awaited mexican one can only dream of in cambodia!! Followed this up wioth a banana split form chill down the road then off home for some quality relaxation.
We hit Murpheys for breaky and headed to a mall for some air con shopping, each making numerous purchases and enjoyiong ourselves especially when we made our own frozen yohurt sundaes.
The palace was not as nice as 20 Ruru, but worth a visit all the same. Unfortuantely we were unable to infultrate the kings actual quaters in which he still resides so maye that might stack up to 20 Ruru. Interesting all the same and we guided ourselves through with a small map from the phnom penh local read.
More R&R was required so we shouted ourselves a pedicure and manicure, so relaxing approx 2hours of attention in air con relaxing loungers and only $10 each.
The plan is to eat and sleep then tomorrow we will board ourbus for an hour then a boat down the Mekong River approx 4h then another bus forapprox 6hrs to finally arrive in Ho chi Minh City and if not to tired hit town, BOOM, get it done!!
- comments
BJ You're not stying in Guesthouse number 9 on the lake are you? Thats where we stayed, saw some huge rats there. Ohhh beers in the hammock. Crazy place Phnom Penh, live it up!
Maz I can almost smell what the bus must have been like! Mmmmm, the air here is just beautiful and lovely and warm. Were all good and missing you,keep up the great travel story and.... be careful Jimmy.....xx00xx
Abbey Pats We are staying at number 10 Lakeside BJ right next door - no rats sighted as yet but some crazy ass duck noice awoke us at 4am and put the shiver me timers up us!!!
gf gfy, u wouldnt get a pic of u with a good looking local while ur wearing ur same same but differnt t would ya?? would love to see it - i too - am enjoying that saying! hit us with another blog entry soon - boom!