Tick, tock. omg. Time is running out. Less than 2 weeks to go and the list we started with weeks ago seems even longer than it was then. Every time I cross something off two more things appear, how does that happen? There must be a phrase that describes it isn't there? Answers on a postcard, or three, please. What happened? My beach body remains unhoned, the culture has fallen by the wayside - the only thing I seem to be moderately successful at is arranging numerous farewell visits, meals, lunches, coffee mornings etc. I'm winging our Vietnamese visas on the basis that Bri knows someone who told him we can get them in Bangkok, it seemed like a great idea a month ago, but now I'm starting to consider the possibilities of what will happen it that's not the case. gulp.
We've sold the car though, bye bye gussie, so it's taxis for me now and Bri is digging out his bus pass (old age does have it's advantages. So I've heard).
The ongoing mosquito problem remains a hot topic. Bri was very taken with a fetching hat in Millets the other day that has a built-in black netted veil, that he reckons I'm going to be very jealous of for the duration of our trip. If he thinks I'm planning on walking around south east asia with someone bearing an uncanny resemblance to a bee keeper on day release he has another think coming. However, Millets and its ilk are proving an irresistible draw these days. No longer do I dally in Jigsaw or John Lewis - the range of things in these outdoorsy shops you never knew you needed is sooooo tempting. Yesterday I bought a fabulous wind-up torch that is the size of a small egg and comes WITH ITS OWN HEADBAND!!! The packet describes it as being ideal for mountaineering, caving, abseiling etc. I have deduced it's ideal use to be for hands free reading in bed. yay.
Brian is muttering that he must buy a man-bag. Better go......
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