This morning after a bit of a sleep in and breakfast, we headed to Little India. It is a rather colourful suburb but the shops were definitely not as pristine looking as those we saw around Marina Bay yesterday. It was quite a challenge walking along the footpath as every shop had half its contents set up outside and the path itself was a pile of poos (Brett's description). When it wasn't full of miscellaneous junk, the footpaths went up and down every couple of steps and were rather narrow.
Have we mentioned yet that Singapore is hot? Like, really, really hot and muggy!
Despite the occasional funny smell wafting by, Little India was quite cool. I could easily see how it would be great for the Indian women, with heaps of colourful sari shops and a bazillion shops selling gold jewellery (I never saw any silver).
Given Little India wasn't quite my shopping scene, we headed to Orchard Road. Instead of there being a street of shops (as there would be NZ), it was literally a street of shopping malls. I couldn't believe how there was one shopping mall after another (all having multiple levels above and below the ground). Danielle would think she's in heaven ;)
The heat meant I wasn't so interested in shopping but we did buy ourselves a polarising filter for the camera. Probably would have been handier at the start of the trip rather than the end, but oh well. The pushy attendant tried to sell us another lens but we managed to get away saying we had to meet Brett's brother and that we'd come back tomorrow (or NOT!).
Back to Richard's place again where we loitered about attempting to write blogs as his band, The Blackberry's, had their weekly practice. We realised just how small the world is when we found out the sax player's brother lives on the same street as us in Christchurch (although his house is completely undamaged!).
Around midnight after everyone had left Brett, Richard and I headed down the road for dinner. We ended up at this street food place where they close the road off at nights and set up tables and chairs and have barbeques for cooking. The food was delicious and it was definitely not a place that we would have found on our own so we were glad for the local knowledge :)
- Rebecca
- comments
Allan Hi think the heat must have gotten to you I think it should be Orchid Street. Love the blog Allan
Rebecca Nice spotting Allan - I've just fixed it up :) Yep, we'll blame it either on the heat from Singapore or the shock of the cold from Christchurch! ;)