As you can see by the photo we got to see a Tasmanian Devil. We went to the Trowunna Wild Life Park and had a very interesting and entertaining day! We were taken on a tour and learnt so much about the Devils who are nearly extinct. The park does wonderful work with saving these cute little animals. They are actually smaller than I thought and amazing to watch. We watched this guy who was working with the devils feeding them. He held a piece of meat and the devils all chewed and fought over it. The park is working so hard to keep everything as natural as possible. They do a wonderful job. The park also breeds wombats. There was an old wombat who lives and roams about the park. He was very interested in our group and kept pushing between our legs and trying to bite us.
We then went on to Stanley where we climbed The Nut. It is not known where the name came from but it is where everyone calls The End of The World. It is right on the very top of Tasmania.
We slowed down for the next couple of days as we got to the end of our Tasmania holiday. It was a great holiday, a beautiful place with magnificent scenery and the friendliest people.
So my blog comes to and end. We are back in Victoria after our over night trip back. We will be home next week so see you all then.
Love Brenda x
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