We had a long bus ride to Pokhara ahead of us today so we were up early to check out & get a taxi to the tourist bus park. Luckily we arrived with plenty of time to go find a coffee. We bought a normal sized takeaway cup from an actual coffee shop but they couldn't sell us a coffee as there was no power. Instead we had our cup filled at a street side vendor, I purchased extra sachets of coffee as they only put half in each cup. Just as the bus set off we were surprised to see an elephant being ridden down the street next to us! Really hadn't expected that in the middle of Kathmandu! We settled in for our long, windy, bumpy drive made longer by what seemed too many toilet stops. About noon we stopped for our included lunch (the usual curry/Dahl/rice set) then finished the final leg, arriving into Pokhara about 2pm meaning it had been the full 7hr bus ride. Our hotel had a nice view over the lake it backed onto, although for nearly twice the price of our Kathmandu hotel the rooms weren't up to what we had expected. Even here it was quite hazy & almost as soon as we had checked into our rooms there was a sudden onset of stormy wind & a few splashes of rain which then just disappeared after 30mins. We set out to explore firstly on the lake path, then up into the shops and street checking out some other accommodation and yoga places along the way. For dinner we tried an organic cafe with a rickety back deck overlooking the lacklustre sunset and which also ended up having very lacklustre service as each of our meals came about 10-15mins apart- mine being last even though I was the hungriest! My chapatti egg wrap was quite tasty when it finally arrived but not worth the 40min wait. Ammie & I slowly returned to the hotel where the adjoining disco was blaring with Nepali New Years celebrations. Luckily we were tired from the long day on the bus & sleep still found me easily.
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