So, I went back to Atlanta after the masters.
Trainwreck is the word I will use to descirbe the happenings over the course of the next day for my sister... I was there Monday and watched my sisters frantically prepare her taxes and also herself for an interview the next day. Didn't get to bet until around midnight and got up early. Trainwreck. Next day, I was chilling because I was going to basketball game that night (more on that in a bit). I find out that my sisters car breaks down, thankfully after the interview. Anyways, this was already a long day for her, but this was just cruel. Ended up having to get a tow truck to take her car to repair shop. Didn't get it there until about 10:30. We were about 30 minutes away from her place and hungry. So, we stopped and ate. And so, after another midnight worknight, my sister had the chance to lay her head to sleep. And so ends the trainwreck. Again, I must congratulate my sister for surviving this... All in good spirits.
Now, back to my trainwreck free (so far, knock on wood) vagabonding adventure. I went to a Magic/Hawks game with Joal (my sister's boyfriend). It was pretty good game. Dwight Howard is a beast.
Wednesday I went to Stone Mountain. I hiked somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 miles. Saw a lot of pretty scenery . Georgia is a very green and very tree covered place. Good day on the mountain. Check out the pics.
Thursday... Off for Savannah!
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