haven't made any updates yet but after florence we went to cinque terre and then Nice. currently we are heading to barcelona.
Brett and Lindsay: If you can take the train over to the cinqua terre. (sp) you will enjoy that area. If you can go to Bolonga its a college town filled will radicals and and the intellectual of
italy.Get out of the cities and eat along the countrysides. Hope to see you soon. Love Dad.
Aunt Diane
So, where are you going on your honeymoon??????
Auntie Di
Lindsay, you are so funny...the inconveniently placed art on the Sistine Chapel?!?! You should write a letter, honestly. I also love how Brett says "Lindsay is going to post for Rome/Florence" as if you knew going to Rome and Florence that you would, in fact, have homework for that leg of the trip. Sorry your hotel was nasty. Come home soon, love you.
Lindsay so now you and Chelsea have brown hair. I happen to like hers so I am sure that I will agree with Brett and like yours. Enjoyed your entry, however Brett never once used the word gross which you used several times. You were right about Rome burning. I know that you both feasted on the wonderful food and gelato. Enjoy You are adorable.
Brett Porak
Brett Porak likes to refer to Brett Porak in the first person. If you were Brett Porak then you could do that too!!!!!
Lindsay Karten
i like how brett put "brett porak", as no one would know who he was.
Brett Porak
I thought people forgot about us since we've been gone for so long. Update to follow. Lindsay is going write the post for Rome/ Florence.
Ok Brett It is time for an update. You dont realize how many people are just hanging waiting for the next report. Wherever you are I am certain that you are having the greatest time. Love
Aunt Karen
HEY....where are you guys...I'm having withdrawls....I need a vacation fix.
Loved your pictures and journal entries. What an amazing trip!! Keep having fun and stay safe. love and kisses