I have had had some very good reports about 400 islands so I was looking forward to them lots! I came from Vientiene in the middle of Loas (the capital) and stopped off for one night on the way in a town called Savanakhet. Savanakhet was pretty small and unremarkable but still it was good to break up the journey! I met a cool guy from New York in Savanakhet who was making the same journey! Unfortunatly the bus from savanakhet to 4000 islands broke down! The bus was ment to travel overnight and arrive at about 6am. However, I awoke at 6am in a bus station because the bus was moving and bumping severly! It turns out they were trying to jump start the bus! I got out and helped them push it up the hill again but it wouldn't go! They had to send a replacement bus so it was well into the afternoon by the time we arrived at our destination.
On arriving at the port to take us the to the island we were looking to go to among the 4000 there was a choice! We could either go directly to the island we wanted or instead go to a larger island and then get transport down (the 2 islands being connected by a bridge). It was cheaper to go to the larger island so we did that, expecting transport would be easy when we got there. When we got there however, we were told by some guy that there were no tuk-tuks (the usual mode of transport in asia!). This horrified us because it ment a 5km walk with our packs in the afternoon sun! A serious trek! However, we had no choice so we set off. After walking for about 40 mins we realised that he had failed to mention that while there were no tuk tuks, THERE WAS A HUGE BLOODY VAN! By this point tho we'd gone so far that we decided just to continue! When we got there I was absolutely dripping with sweat from head to toe! Definitely the most energy I'd used all trip.
The first remarkable thing about 4000 islands is the sky, the views of the river and the sunset! The name 4000 islands come from the appartently 4000 islands in the mekong river! The sunsets are the most amazing colour and the views are breathtaking! The place has a very very slow, sedate pace and its extremely cheap!
The best things hoever, happened on the second and last day we were there. We hired pushbikes and went to a waterfall a 1km ride from our hotel. Waterfall didn't do this place justice! There were more like th rpids you expect to see in the grand canyon! In fact the whole scene seemed like something as extreme as anything I could imagine in the US! The scene was huge and you could climb and bath in the rapids and rocks of the waterfall! THere was also a beach and a pool with very warm water where the fish nibble at your feet!
After that we went to see th dolphins that play in the river on the other side of the island! Despite getting a flat tyre and the road being super bumpy we were soon at the port where for about £1 you can take a boat to see the dolphins playing as the sun set! Soon we spotted some quite a way off and then some nearer ones! A couple that were jumping and playing! It was really spectaular! Possibly the best day while travelling! Definitely top 5!
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