Bouncing Round the World
About Kristen
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New album created
Sigatoka, Fiji

New album created
Maui, Hawaii

New blog entry posted
Sigatoka, Fiji

New blog entry posted
Honolulu, Hawaii
Liz & Joe What an amazing trip you all are on! Mikey, thanks for the eye-popping photos that complement Kristen's glorious text so well. Kristen, you are so multi-talented - act, sing, dance play piano, flute, etc., and now a travel writer, as well! Thank you so much for sharing this remarkable account with us! Love you both, Liz & Joe/Mom & Dad
weak reader Rigorous, informative blog entry; thanks. BE RISK AWARE, please. I knew about sickness from uncertain water, and, or food sources; I hadn't thought about the danger from winds. "Indeed it was a different hike on the way back for me. The wind was SO STRONG on the cliff part, and I got quite scared. We would start out on one of the open exposures, and a gust would come across and hit us, and I would just fall against the cliff side[sic(?)](cliff face?) for stability and wait until the wind let up for a moment, move forward until another gust came, and so forth. On the hike into the valley, I'd prepared my mind for the cliff, and enjoyed it. On the hike out, my approach was different . . . " (from, Bouncing Round the World, Honolulu, Hawaii, Friday 22 April 2011 / Thanks again. Please be mindful.

New album created
Kauai, Hawaii
Mom/Lizzie Kristen & Mikey - Don't know why, but I missed this first Fiji entry earlier this month and am so glad I re-checked the blog today (5/30)! It's harder to get in touch with you guys since Mikey's i-Pod was stolen, that the blog is a great way to catch-up. You write so entertainingly or your wondrous adventures! Can't wait to read the next one. Love to you both always, Mom/Lizzie
re: Sigatoka, Fijiweak reader Rigorous, informative blog entry; thanks. BE RISK AWARE, please. I knew about sickness from uncertain water, and, or food sources; I hadn't thought about the danger from winds. "Indeed it was a different hike on the way back for me. The wind was SO STRONG on the cliff part, and I got quite scared. We would start out on one of the open exposures, and a gust would come across and hit us, and I would just fall against the cliff side[sic(?)](cliff face?) for stability and wait until the wind let up for a moment, move forward until another gust came, and so forth. On the hike into the valley, I'd prepared my mind for the cliff, and enjoyed it. On the hike out, my approach was different . . . " (from, Bouncing Round the World, Honolulu, Hawaii, Friday 22 April 2011 / Thanks again. Please be mindful.
re: Honolulu, HawaiiLiz & Joe What an amazing trip you all are on! Mikey, thanks for the eye-popping photos that complement Kristen's glorious text so well. Kristen, you are so multi-talented - act, sing, dance play piano, flute, etc., and now a travel writer, as well! Thank you so much for sharing this remarkable account with us! Love you both, Liz & Joe/Mom & Dad
re: Honolulu, Hawaiigabel o Aloha Mikey - Man o man! So much fun! dead body?!, salmon fingers?! awesome. have you ever thought of being one of the guys from BlueManGroup? Did yall see any creepy stuff? Kristen - beautiful!
re: Honolulu, HawaiiGabel O I'm so happy to read about some more about yur travels. My heart has been with you ESP since the strike in weather. I don't kno if you know but this sat the 19. Is the largest full moon in20 years. Very cool stuff. I truely can't wait to hear from y'all again. I was about to find a way to get in touch with momma bowden to hear abt y'all. But I see she may in the same boat as I. Oh Happy st. pattys Day! aloha!
re: Lihuei, Kauai, HawaiiMom Kristen, I enjoyed the ver "daddy Bert" style journal entry. I do wish to talk with one of you asap. I haven't heard from anyone for more than a week. Makes me worry. Sounds as though you are doing fine . Please call or email. I'll start checking, I promise. Love and more love to all of you. Mommy
re: Lihuei, Kauai, Hawaii- last visited

- travel plan
- Kauai, Hawaii
- Oahu, Hawaii
- Nadi, Fiji
- Sydney, New South Wales
Mom/Lizzie Kristen & Mikey - Don't know why, but I missed this first Fiji entry earlier this month and am so glad I re-checked the blog today (5/30)! It's harder to get in touch with you guys since Mikey's i-Pod was stolen, that the blog is a great way to catch-up. You write so entertainingly or your wondrous adventures! Can't wait to read the next one. Love to you both always, Mom/Lizzie
weak reader And then???????????? Best wishes regardless.