Sorry its been a while since the last blog guys...internet was so expensive at the last place and also there was no air con or fan in the room either so was unbearable to sit in there and write....but im back now and ready to update you all on the next part of our travels and what happened next!lol!
So last you heard we had just arrived in mission beach after a very long, stressful and painful day. We had our stir-fry burgers.....yes ellen stir-fry.......and they were absolutely amazing! They were like a normal cheesburger with bacon in and then they also had soya sauce, beansprouts etc in mouth is watering just remembering them!
Anyways, im going to briefly skip over the two days that we spent in Mission Beach because i admitted was very unsociable and very low those two days. I only left the room in order to go to the loo and to eat dinner and go on internet briefly. Im not proud of those two days but to be fair, was not feeling myself at all.......actually in the long run it probably did me a favour actually as it meant that i had two full days with my foot elevated and with ice on it, which was exactly what i had been told to do. Im pleased to say that Katie still went out and did her skydive which she absolutely loved, and is up for doing again, but i will let her blog tell you all about that im sure. The second day there though we did hear horror story about a skydive that a girl did which went wrong due to bad weather, so i am very glad Katie did it when she did (don't worry the girl was absolutely fine and had still absolutely loved it and plans to jump again at Byron Bay with the free dive she's been given!). I have to say as well, the staff at the Mission Beach hostel were absoltely brilliant. Other than the fact that our room was upstairs whilst loo's, showers and everything else were downstairs, it was probably the best place i could have been for those two days. They came in to check i was ok, they brought me ice for my foot and they brought up books in case i needed something to read i say they were brilliant.
Anyways, on saturday we moved on. We got on the bus at 1300, (after having spent the morning watching family guy!lol!) with our driver Squatter and the trainee driver Coaster, and made our way to Townsville. On the way we stopped for a photo op at the Giant Gumboot......they have a thing about building giant things here, so far we have seen giant gumboot, cassowary, crab, snake and mango...........and also stopped in Cardwell for lunch, where katie and i shared a massive chicken salad roll, which was really yummy!
From Townsville we caught the ferry over to Magnetic Island which was to be our next stop. The ferry ride was sooooooo rough and some people on the top deck got absolutely soaked! On arrival at Magnetic Island we got the public bus to Base backpackers which was our hostel. What a gorgeous place that would not have known it was a hostel..........the bar/cafe, swimming pool and communal areas were right on the beach, as were the little huts that the dorms were in. Each hut slept 8 people, and were really cute form the outside and very cosy inside!lol! When we first arrived, we were put in a dorm right up the other end of resort, this would have been fine to walk, but when dark and uneven, it was incredibly difficult on crutches and so we asked to be moved for the second and third night. We were really glad we did, for these nights although we were right next to the bar which meant it was noisy, the bar shut at midnight and for the first night in this dorm we had such lovely people in there. There were three guys and three girls, all of which were english and really guy James who just so happened to live in Chelmsford (mad i know.....go to the other side of the world and meet someone who lives 15minutes away!) very kindly swapped bunks with me too so that i did not have to attempt to hop up to the top bunk.....although this could have given everyone a bit of a giggle im sure!lol!
The first full day at Magnetic Island we spent chatting with Gillian, an English girl that we met from our buws and later realised had also been on our cape tribulation tour! She is really lovely, has been travelling on her own for 8 months and actually we are still with her now. We ended up spending the whole day chatting and playing uno, and the three of us booked our activity for the following day......A BARBIE CAR......gutted i would not be able to drive with crutches but sooooo excited by the prospect of this car! Sunday night we all ade our mother's day phonecalls home and had fairly early nights.
Very excited the next morning, Katie got picked up by the car company and taken to collect our Barbie car.......when asked whihc one she wanted to choose Katie gave the right answer when she said 'Any one just make it pink!' and the came and collect Gillian and myself from Base. And what a car it was..i loved it just being a passenger......although they are not the most ladylike thing to get in and out of, especially with crutches.....good job i had bikini bottoms on!lol!(sorry dad)! Anyway, we drove the furthest you could drive to get to the other side of the island...........a whole 7km!lol! This took us to Horseshoe Bay, which was absolutely beautiful...calm sea, gorgeous scenery, and really quiet, just lovely. We all sat at a picnic bench chatting away when 2 English girls, Emma and Nicola arrived in another Barbie car and came and sat with us chatting too.......within half an hour an English couple had turned up too, Caldy and Hayley.....they were all really nice and we ended up spending the afternoon sitting chatting all of us. Hayley had a funny turn and passed out, which i know its mean to say, but i said to katie it's good to know its not just me.......although at least Hayley was sitting down so no injuries for her, luckily she was fine after a little while though. Later that afternoon, someone suggested that we stop to see if we can see the rock wallabies on the way to taking the cars back. What good timing.......we got to the rock just as a man who goes 5 days a week and hand feeds the wallabies arrived. He let us hand feed them too, he knew them all and knew which one's you could feed, pet etc. Absolutely amazing...we could not believe our luck and took loads of photo's, especially of the one's where you could see their little joeys poking their heads out of the pouch.....sooooo cute!
We then all headed back to Base where the 7 of us and some others met up for dinner and drinks. Lovely end to a really lovely day........probably one of the best days so far, and Magnetic Island could not be a more beautiful place to have spent it.
- comments
Ellen Thanks for letting me know about the burgers...haha!! sounds lovely.....wish i could spend my afternoons just chatting to randoms on some beautiful island!! o well...i have my egg and spoon sports relief mile to look forward to tomorrow!! lots of love to you both xxxxxxxxx
laz yay what a lovely blog...thios much more what your trip should be about !!!!!!, glad you are enjoying it and making friends. love you. x
linda (mum) Just made my day reading this blog, glad your meeting lots nice people and getting to grips with lazing around doing nothing. Loads love to you both xxx
Pagey Glad you are having a great time amber...i hear its a bit windy at the moment lol. Hope the ankles not too sore,if its painful keep your foot up in the air to stop the throbbing :o) x