Get back here now James. I can't cope with mum's whole spring cleaning mood. I've managed to spend the whole day not doing a corporate governance essay. Its just so hard! I think I'll send it on to you and you can write it in messages on this board for me. Yep, mum and dad are back and the noise is really irritating me. I liked the whole ability to sit and shout if I wanted to, tidy up when I wanted to, which actually I did do cos noone was moaning at me to do it every 10 min. The cat is even much less noisy when noone is around. He just sleeps on his bed and only gets out of it to be fed a couple of times a day. Its amazing really! Right im off now, gotta get up early tom n kick the crap out of this essay cos I really need to start studying on wed.. bet you are so jealous. lol lea x
Hi! James. Glad to hear you're ok. M.C. says u won't be able to get in touch for a few days now that you've gone to Cambodia. Have you met any fellow travellers going your way yet?I look forward to hearing from u soon. Dad & I are just back from Portpatrick. weather was not bad over the weekend . Got a few walks in .Over three hours round trip to lighthouse & back. Was thinking of u carrying that big bag of yours in that heat!We could do with some of it over here.Take care!Did u hear that The Pope died & Prince Charles has postponed his wedding for a day so that he can go to his funeral! Well that's all the news from here. leanne is enjoying having the house to herself when we're away. Says no-one around to moan at her! As if I would moan !Dad is back at work 2mor. but taking a few more days off later in week. I'm off on the Spring break just now so you can imagine I'll be getting the usual comments of 'Manic Eyes'as I start my usual attempt at spring cleaning this house! Well , you're lucky you're not around to suffer!Please e-mail or reply as soon as u can so that I know you're ok. Enjoy and take care! Mum
I think I've taken your hatred of untidyness James, I got so bored yesteday that i tidied my entire room out. We'll c how long that lasts though! M-C, any more thoughts on having the FirstBus goes on holiday party? I think it'd be mega cool, Neil keeps going on about it! Also, as I'm going to be mega skintos when(if) I finish Uni, I don't think I'll be doing any long distance travelling this summer. The sunny skies of Port Patrick will have to do me... Still waiting on frog pictures Jimbo..
Lea x
P.s. Wee James, I'm sorry to hear about your laptop/mobile. However, one thing, I don't pass with 'flying colours' 4th year maths is just so scary... I just hope I get my 2:1 for my ( unwanted) job. Blah !
Hey, it's like a 7-way msn conversation in here! I like your conspiracy-theory thinking James W. i.e. that Jimbo is actually sitting with his 12 kilo rucksack stuffed under a desk in Easy Internet in St Vincent Street, feverishly updating his website with pictures from Lonely Planet, while mum downloads food money into his bank account...futhermore, to cover the tan aspect normally expected of a global traveller he'll probably book an intensive 12 hour sunbed session in TanTastic on Vicky Road on the day before he's "due back" in August, and when he picks up scabies from the sunbed due to the number of Glasgow hairies having used the sunbed on their plooky, Tango-ed bodies, he'll just blame it on the "sub-standard waste management systems so symptomatic of the developing world"...So, I hear you were up early James to get photos of sunrise over the Gulf of Thailand; does it compare to the sunrise over Larkfield Garage of a Sat night/Sun morning bus job? Take it you may be out of communication now for the next couple of days if you're at Angkor Wat in Cambodia, so I'll tell mum not to try and contact you (like she somehow managed to do when Alan & I were in the deepest, darkest Mexican jungle, by hassling a poor wee Kuoni rep in Cancun to track us down)...Have fun and maybe try to investigate the possibility of a Catholic-Buddhist conversion now that the Pope has gone to the Big Vatican in the Sky...MC x
James What?
I have a new sim card for my phone. It's the same phone number as I've always had so I am contactable again. Can people please send me a message so I can get your numbers back on my phone. Do they have internet cafe's in Africa Jimbo?? Mon the teddy bears!!
The Blue nosed one.
Alrite Jimbo, just thought i'd drop a wee message to you and inform you of the important news from Glasgow. Unfortunately Celtic lost today to the jam tarts 2-0, but its cool as the smelly, dirty, cheating **** will get pumped tomorrow.. Anyway, get offline and top up that tan...
P.S. Wee James - why aint you been answering my phone calls..chuckle chuckle :)
James Watt
It's not anger I am showing but rather frustration at how low my fellow man can stoop. I think the reason why Jimbo is not in any pictures is becuase he is stealin the one's he claims to have taken from other 'off exploring' sites. He's actually living homeless in Glasgow, but if you see him pretend not to recognise him as his only joy is going into internet cafe's to spend the spare change he recieves from kind strangers. Once he's on the web he puts a few 'new' pictures borrowed from other peoples sites onto this sharade of a web site. I'm not bitter honest!!
p.s. I will try to follow Hendy's example and the next time I'll be a bit more positive. Don't blame me but rather the environment that I live. I am but a poor product of this oppressive society!
from the Misrepresented.
James Henderson
Do you seriously expect Jimbo do actually take any photographs of anyone? I'm afraid, after travelling extensively with him, Jimbo would happily exterminate the population of Bangkok just to get a good photo of the city. He doesn't know what the portrait setting on his camera is for.
On the otherhand, I am a relatively happy person as I can manage the stress of a working life while balancing a university career and job applications. I have had no set backs in the form of thefts, or other mishaps. I take pleasure from the simple things as my music and books and am at peace with the world. . . Ok. so I've only got 3 weeks to finish my dissertation, but why worry just yet.
The weather is beginning to pick up here and its heading for 18oC outside and I'm heading for the garden. Enjoy the tropical heat and don't forget to invest in some Raid.
Good to see so many people taking an active interest in the website btw.
just a few mins before i leave ko samui on the boat. there's alot of anger on this message board- learn from the buddha and take it easy. ive not met any scrawny wee white scottish boys yet- so thats why ive not been able to get any such photos. however, as u might have noticed, i have not been putting my fine, slightly reddish and thin, but nonetheless athletic, self in any of my photographs. i thought u would be distracted by my existance in the scene, and unale to shift ur attention to the wonderful scenery around me.
by the way- its about 35 degrees and mega sunny... a reasonable parting shot i should imagine.
Laura Jamieson
Hey I agree with Stu's thinking - wheres all the photos of the white Scottish boy?!?! - we've taken to calling it little white honkie btw so thats what you'll be until you start sporting some lovely red marks and patches (that you'll be trying to pass off as some sort of tan). U'll just need to get up to speed with the timer on your camera I reckon to risk a Thai man stealing it and get ur arse in some photos. happy travelling.........
James Watt
Sorry MC just read you message and you did use stars. I'm kinda tired and my brain is going to mush!!!
James Watt
well nice pictures Jimbo! Not as good as mine when I was using my phone to take pictures in Sweden etc. which leads me to my exciting week in Scotland. My work got broken into, you'd be wrong if you thought it happened during the night. Oh no, in Scotland these things happen during the day when we were all in work. We were all up the stairs having a staff day. When we came back down to our desks someone had climbed in the window and had stolen 2 laptops. They also took my phone as well as three other phones. The sons of b***** also took my flash drive which was plugged into the computer!!! I'm now doing a shirlock holmes investigation to track them down.
MC your not allowed to swear on the board follow my example and use f****** stars instead. Leanne you know you will pass the exams with flying colours so why the complaining.
Now that I have finished my rant (nothing personal btw just need to vent my anger after my p*** poor week) I will say cheerio and I will look forward to more pictures from you Jimbo as well as some funny stories as long as they don't include Bangkok chick boys although some might disagree eh stuart ; )