Might be time for Mummar and grand-Dad to take over some of the home schooling??????
Gary Connellan
Hi Bodon Family,
Great to catch up on the stories and photos of your great adventure trip. Some very beautiful scenery shots and I'm sure the kids are getting the best hands on education about Australian flora, fauna, and history.
Aunty Margaret
Looking forward to visiting Broome after your great blog and photos. Everyone looks tanned and happy. Everyone down here rugged up to the max.
Are my eyeballs deceiving me, or have The Lids got taller?????
Surely any untoward comment by MTB would be accompanied by some pearl earrings, at least??
Love the photos! Love the blog!
Wonderful scenery, great adventures AND schoolwork!!
See you soon. xxx
Tanya Mcdonald
Hi guy's, so loving your blog but very pleased to not be in your caravan park tonight!!! What a close game!!! Love you guys & cant wait to catch up soon. Tan xx
Just got around to watching "four Wheel Driving" and "Billy Elliot" videos.
Colour of the sands is great, but Billy takes the cake, so to speak!
Imagination, energy and entertainment!
Look forward to the next production.
Liked the photos guys they were pretty good hope to see you soon.
Great photos at the reef guys.... Looks like fun.
Wow1 I can snorkle on the top of the water; have yet to master 'free diving." Having difficulty holding my breath just looking at the photos!
Clever you lot.
Also, adding our congratulations and best wishes to Ismail and his wife on the safe arrival of their baby daughter.
Aunty Margaret
Congratulations to Ismail on the arrival of a beautiful baby girl! Wishing you many happy times together.
Bodons, Bacchus Marsh is going to look very ordinary after this trip! Leaves are down everywhere, windy and cold. BBBRRRR. I am staying inside these wintry days. Looking forward to your next pics and blog. How about L, B and A writing something in the blog??????
What a lovely part of the world! Great times for you all.
Wet and windy here this week. Otherwise, all well.
lots of love, hugs and kisses to all. xxxxx
Thanks for the messages everyone; it's really nice to hear from you. We hope everyone is keeping safe and well. KMLBA xxx