Bob's 4 corner challenge
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Barnard Castle, UK

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Ecclefechan, UK

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Inverness, UK

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Tongue, UK

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Argyll and Bute, UK
Iain Baxter Welcome back Bob - excellent achievement and wonderful sum raised. Think you should chill for a couple of days and give your backside a rest!! Iain
re: Home Sweet HomeAngela Graham Can't believe how fast you've got through all those miles! I had awful problems trying to tell work friends about Ecclefechan Butter Tarts the other day - they thought I'd become Mrs Brown! Enjoy your last night away from home, and enjoy the last stretch tomorrow. xxx
re: Final stretchterry and Sue Well done Bob keep it up. Hope your rear is not playing up too much terry and Sue
re: 4 corners reached - homeward boundAngela Graham Wow! You are doing so well! Take care, love and hugs, Ange
re: 4 corners reached - homeward boundRick Mitford Great progress Bob. Hope the strong wind today wasn't too tough for you and you were able to dodge all of the fallen branches!. Bring us some cheese from the gorge!
re: days 13 to 15Dud Great to hear how you are progressing Bob, despite the poor weather you are having to face up to, amongest many other obstacles. We are all behind you Bob, as are many other friends and family. Best wishes from Guernsey.
re: days 13 to 15- last visited

- travel plan
- Dover, UK
- Cornwall, UK
- Barnard Castle, UK
- Durness, UK
- John O' Groats, UK
- Barnard Castle, UK
John Roscoe Well done Bob a fantastic achievement. John
Iain Baxter Welcome back Bob - excellent achievement and wonderful sum raised. Think you should chill for a couple of days and give your backside a rest!! Iain