Barnaby, i tried to email you but it keeps saying delivery failure and stuff...whats going on??
its your birthday sometime aroun the last few weeks isnt it?
errrrrr steve .. i went to suffolk yesterday.. for a naaarfullk person thats foreign land!! plus i ve got 'huddersfield' stamp in my passport.. so there!!
Hey Barnaby,
Glad your having a good time in S. America, we went to San Francisco a couple of weeks ago! It's nice to know that there are some people actually seeing the world unlike those ignoramus' cooped up in England lol! When are you coming to the US?
guess what barns.. that strange yellow planet like object -- which brings rays of light .. decided to poke out of its cloudy cover... but dont worry it soon hid and turned to rain!
I'm so jealous, its cold here and not even sunny! I want to be relaxing on a beach. I recently got a film developed and it had pics of us at the beach in Exmouth and the sandcastle we made! I wish it was summer xXx
Enough of the gloating! Its been snowing on and off here all week. I'll be back in Ross Vegas by this evening though, I'm hoping that down south it'll be hot..!?
ime hopein the snake bites him next time...!
just read your beach email!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr not fair
so having read that is any of other friends of barny ready is dis-own him yet?!?!
Barbie Zoe
Hey, hope ure ok. I finally sent you an email! Hope to hear from you soon. (Btw name explained in email)
Hey Barn, hope you're ok. Just thought I'd say it was Fi and Chris' engagement party yest, so me and Soph said you were there in spirit! Will hopefully send you a long email soon. Luv Zoe xXx