Michelle's European Adventure
So I'm leaving for London tomorrow but I'm wide awake and probably won't sleep all night...this cough is killing me. I'll just sleep all the way to Atlanta and then on the plane. Maybe I'll be able to sleep for the whole flight and not have a panic attack. I'm sad to be leaving but excited to go. What will I miss? Oh...theres a list.
- My mommy and daddy (and Matt, of course)
- My wonderful Kappa sisters
- All the comforts of home/everything that I can't take with me
- Monterreys Mexican Restaurant
- Sweet Tea
- My Victorias Secret Angels card
- Driving a car
- Text messaging
- The University of South Carolina
- The English language
- My bed/favorite princess blanket
- Sleeping til noon and hearing mom tell me that I'm sleeping my day away
- American Power outlets to plug my flat iron into
That doesn't cover everything but those are the main ones. haha Oh well, I'll get over it. I will be back in 4 months with thousands of pictures and memories and it will all be worth it. I fly out at 6:25pm tomorrow so everyone hold your breath and say a prayer. I really hate flying.... I hope everyone has a great semester and I'll see you all in May! Goodbye America! I'm outta here
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