Still at sea. We're approaching the odd little detached piece of Oman round which we have to pass to enter the Persian Gulf. In these parts it's called the Arabian Gulf.
The temperature is rising and we've been told that it will be in the high 30s tomorrow. Not looking forward to Dubai in the heat. We're hoping that we can find some local transport to take us to Abu Dhabi - I'm sure we will.
Yesterday was eventful.
First up, it was hazy and unpleasant on deck due to a sand storm blowing from somewhere. We alternated between reading on deck and dipping ourselves in the pool. Just after lunch I was on the Promenade Deck, reading. Loud noise could be heard and I saw an aircraft approaching rapidly from behind. It whizzed overhead and disappeared in the haze. It was obviously a military plane coming to buzz us. Before you could think twice, it appeared again. This time it was much lower and closer to the ship. I couldn't see any markings but could see a hook hanging from its tail. It flew alongside so close that I could even see the pilots. The noise was deafening and very scary. Just as I was bracing for the gunfire to start, the pilot waggled the wings and drew past the ship, disappearing again in the haze ahead. He did one more fly over and then was gone.
Later I learned that it was a US data gathering plane from an aircraft carrier somewhere in the region.
We had another fly over from a different US aircraft later in the afternoon. It's nice to know that we're being looked after whilst in this area.
That night, we went up on the top deck to have a squiz at the lunar eclipse. It was perfect and apparently quite rare. Alan dashed down to the cabin to get his super dooper long lens Canon with a 1000000 x magnification that he just HAD to have but that he finds too bulky to carry around. Anyhow, it was still hot on deck and the cabin is as cold as we can get it so as soon as he emerged with his treasure it immediately fogged up and he was unable to get any pictures at all. My little point and press Canon took the pictures instead.
As the moon attained the full eclipse it gradually turned a bright russet in colour. This effect was caused by earthlight shining on the face of the moon. The colour faded as the moon continued its orbit..
Well, it's night now and we've arrived in Dubai. We're moored on the other side of where the QE 2 is docked. It's 11.20 pm and too hot to stand outside but Alan has got off to have a look at the facilities on shore.
I really don't want to go ashore tomorrow. I know it's not going to be comfortable.
Oh, I forgot to mention that since Mumbai we've had anti-pirate water hoses attached to the rail on Deck 7, my favourite place to read. We'll be having a pirate raid drill when we leave Dubai.
We saw two boats approaching at high speed this afternoon but they passed behind us. We assumed they were fast smuggler boats that frequently run between Oman and Iran.
Maybe Allah will make it rain tomorrow.
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