Well its my first week of training and im getting used to it now, im not as aching as much! But I suppose having a thai massage helps aswell! Iv just had some food at this cafe called mamas, which does the best food and when its not open on a Sunday, i think we all starve! lol. And she teaching me abit of thai aswell, its about time I tried to understand the lingo!
Training though getting more intense, today I done 100 situps and then 50 push ups and then Watt (One of the trainers) stood over me with a medicine ball and dropped it on my stomach, whilst i was doing situp! Also before training we go for a run and after to about 10 mins skipping and I don't think iv skipped and I look like a right plonker skipping! lol
Friday and Saturday night was spent livin it up in Pantong, which is an experience but the drinks are so cheap! We played this drinking game outside this one bar, where you had to hit a nail into this round peice of log using the other side of the hammer! And when your drunk it can be really frustrating. The lady boys are everywhere and some of them dont even make the effort of disguising their voice, its shocking! But no matter how drunk I get im always aware of that adams apple! lol
Its a thai bank holiday tomorrow so i think we all heading down to the beach, the last time we went this girl from the camp saw this monkey and wanted to get close to it to take a picture but it bit her on the leg! Ic ouldn't stop laughing, it was so funny but I think she ok now tho!
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