How are the weary traveller's? All is good here, finishing up with uni for the year next week - then straight into exams and done completely on the 7th Nov, then its go go go to work as much as I can before departing for the states.. 7 kinds of crazyyyy here! Bj Im getting queries about this `reunion' sigh... why did we even mention anything??! Im thinking first weekend in december but its upto you, ive haven't even hinted at a date yet as I wasn't sure your arrival date here. So OcktoberFest - are we getting to old? Or did ya'll just rock away with all the kids :P
Much love to you both
Hey Guys, Hope all is going well. I think you had better go to Croatia as the Croation Police need some help solving a simple case of MURDER!!!. It has been a giant F****P. Where are you off too next? Hope you had fun at Okterberfest...Be good, Jason
Luis Franco
We heard about an Australian being hurt in Pamplona. Could you please send an email just to know that you are OK?!
Bueno Bueno, Quiero mas fotos de Mexico por favor!! Los amigos de Luis tenen fotos de ustedes en Mexico, y entonces quiero a ver mas de ustedes.
Ahora Martin esta con nosotros. Los padres van a regresar en Sabado.
Luis, tiene embazado su trabajo neuvo hoy, en RSA otra vez!
Muchos Abrazos
P.D. Bienvienido a facebook!
John & Sally
Its a rainy day in Brisy today and I just had a chance to look at the photos. They look great and Im glad you are both safe and having fun. Look forward to see more Love John
Great photos guys, how was the guinea pig?
Its raining & a big low off the coast so lots more rain expected. Don't think it has rained here since you left.
Your adventure are just amazing!!!! My biggest adventure for the last few weeks is that I (Sally) got 8 out of 8 in the footy tipping Actually John is the brains behind the organisation.
Emma loved her postcard.
Keep safe.
Love Sally
Happy B'Day for the 10th May, I was in BNE for mine. Nita and I living up the room service at the Novotel. Thanks to Work!
Luis Franco
Where are the photos!!!... I wanted to see more photos!
Here is getting cold!
Martin got a new bike for his birthday!
See you, have fun.
Disgusting crapping babies?!?!!?
That must have been dreadful! It's soon your birthday! Are you gonig to be doing anything special? We are going home this weekend for Mothers Day. I will give you an update on Trinny when I see her.
Love Leesa, stay safe, be careful, enjoy the food and new experiences!!
bad boy
Luis Franco
Sorry... I forgot to tell you... Leesa was part of the last message.
Luis Franco
Well...that's what I call a big welcome to latinamerica!!
Sorry about the camera and even more important sorry about the photos. But I'm really glad that nothing happened to you both. However, you should have bought the extendible bat. It would be a good investment, haha.
No, no...being serious, please dont play hero with these guys. They know what they are doing and sometimes could there could be an extra person hidden somewhere. Take care and whatever they ask you just give it to them... even your passport is expendible but not your lives.
I'm glad to hear from you and hope that your trip continues fool of adventures as it has been... with its odds and evens.
Have fun guys and we will be here waiting for your new stories and photos.
Luis Franco
Pues yo diría que no se hablar español, se hablar Mexicano...
Que tal las manifestaciones de los rancheros en Argentina?! Ya se acabaron no?!