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Paris, France

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Paris, France

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Paris, France

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Helsinki, Finland
Bash Did you see the stained glass window church ? I think it is saint chapel. Tonight Tands and I took Jonty out for his birthday which was lovely. Wish I was there to be the translator !! Started French lessons at work !!
re: Paris, FranceDad No, I can't remember any statues of Russian dictators. There were a few statues of war heroes from the 900 day seige of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) during the second world war. This must have been an awful time as it is often mentioned. Apparently many of the children were removed from the city, and when the siege was over they returned to find many of the parents were dead. A special orphanage was established in Pushkin which is sometimes referred to as"the village of the children".
re: St. Petersburg, RussiaDad Russian immigration turned out to be a pussycat. Once we had been through and returned once correctly, it was all pretty easy thereafter. Just stick to the rules!
re: Helsinki, FinlandBill (Dad) Kept a sharp lookout for "hot" men Bash but I am not shire quite what I should be looking for!
re: Copenhagen, DenmarkNatalie Looks like you are having a great time. No baby yet. He knows he is in a warm place.
re: Gothenburg, SwedenBash what did you thin of the little mermaid, I love the way how she is detatched from the coast, like on her lonesome. Look out for some hot Danish men for me !! :)
re: Copenhagen, DenmarkBash Rainy here too - in fact we had a huge thunder clap this morning that sounds like the world had ended. I woke up and waited for the ground to tremble and then fold us into itself.
re: Gothenburg, SwedenBash did you know that beer has overtaken vodka as the most drunk drink in Russia. I suppose you only need vodka in winter but the weather looks fabulous there !
re: St. Petersburg, RussiaBash I had a friend who always went to Tallin every year.. and it is so close to Finland. Sound delightful. untouched gem.. many tourists aroudn ?
re: Tallinn, EstoniaPhil The picture reminds me of Italy. Its funny how the popular places are all full of dull people, but the quaint towns are rich with history and culture. Estonia... wow. ..Sounds like a must-visit! Enjoy the sunny skies (from a cold jhb)...
re: Tallinn, EstoniaPete he he, what makes you think that Royal Caribbean has a standardised room-cleaning training course?
re: photo from 04 June 2011- last visited

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Bash Did you see the stained glass window church ? I think it is saint chapel. Tonight Tands and I took Jonty out for his birthday which was lovely. Wish I was there to be the translator !! Started French lessons at work !!